Chapt 24: off the rail

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Kook: hey boi

Tae: 🙃 tf u want

Kook: don't be mean baby

Tae: ew

Kook: that's soooo overused

Tae: shut it you dummy, it's my catchphrase

Kook: I-

Tae: gotta problem?

Kook: no not at all

Tae: just say whatever you wanted to say

Kook: oh! Ok...soooo, do u think that someday you would ACTUALLY show me your face?

Tae: awww did u hit your head little kook?

Kook: thanks for worrying but no, so answer me ps. Love that nickname;)

Tae: I'm not gonna show u my face EVER

Kook: but baby~

Tae: no! If I do u wouldn't stop following me and you'll be extra annoying,I can just imagine it

Kook: 😭 b-but

Tae: shush! U know the answer we already had this conversation and we are not having it again! Got it?

Kook: 😒 fine

Tae: stop with the emojis

Kook: 🌚I 😅don't 😔know🧐what 🤷‍♀️u🦀are🍑talking ❤️ about🗿

Tae: I-uh don't have anything to say

Taehyung laughed a little by his texts. He decided it's time for him to leave so he got up to head home when he saw jungkook.

"Hello Taehyung," he saids with a bright smile.

"Wow hi, I thought you were sick today," taehyung smiles back to him. Today taehyung heard that Jungkook wasn't in class because he was sick but I guess that was a rumour.

"So where are you going today?"

"I'm just walking home,"

"Let me go with you,"

"Thanks, but it's gonna take long,"

"Then I'll give you a ride,"

"I feel bad...,"

"No it's ok also I want do be with you more,"

"H-huh?! Wha-ok,"

"Come on let's go," Jungkook took taehyungs hand.

"Um you can't just suddenly hold my hand!"

"You don't like it?"


"So you do!" Jungkook lead him to a blue car.

"Wait...what happened to your other car?"

"It's my dads,"

"Oh I was just confused like what happened to your black Ferrari that you always drive?"

"There just fixing my car don't worry,"

"Alright I guess,"

"so taehyung, where do you live?"

"What? Don't you know? We walked home together last time,"

"Well I don't remember so please tell me," jungkook said, he looked a little threatening for some reason, taehyung told Jungkook where his house was and dropped him off.

"Thanks for giving me a lift!"

"No problem, Wait," taehyung stops in his tracks and looks back at Jungkook. Taehyungs sees him take out a small bracelet and hands it over to him. "Here's a gift," he says.

"Oh my god! Thank you! It's like a friendship bracelet!" Taehyung said happily.

"Your welcome make sure to always wear it," jungkook assured to taehyung.

"Jungkook is it just me or did you get taller?" He asks.

"Hmmm looks like I did," he smiled.

"Well bye Jungkook! Thanks for the bracelet!" He waves and goes to his house.

"This is harder than I thought," he goes back into his car and takes out a towel wiping off the makeup. Which reveals the mans true face, Lin.

(A/n:I'm sorry you guys waited so long for such a short chapter)

(A/n: I just couldn't figure out how to continue this like how I want, and I realized that some parts didn't make sense so it made me frustrated, I started writing again and then gave up because I kinda messed this story up with Lin in it but I'll try to continue it, sorry for people who were expecting a longer chapter)

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