Chapt 27: real face

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Kook: hey baby

Kook: 👁👄👁 Baby

Kook: b

Kook: a

Kook: b



Kook: omg tae where the hell-

Kook: tae

Kook: BABY

kook: fuck

Kook: you know idk why you're not responding 🙃 but I was just exercising my fingers so I obviously don't care

Kook: 😑 baby


Kook: omg respondddd

Kook: Baby Baby Baby oooooh~

Kook: I'll eat your hair

Kook: I know your true identity

Kook: I have your nudes

Kook: 🗿oh come on~

Kook: I'm straight

Kook: wow what the fuck that didn't work

Taehyung opened his eyes, a pain coming from his head. He noticed that his hands and legs are tied, making him unable to move.

"What the hell is going on?" He said to himself.

He the saw a dark figure stand in-front of him. The figured walked closer revealing the man.

"JUNGKOOK?!?!? Help me, I don't know what happened!" Taehyung said pleading to the man.

"You want help?" The man said in a mocking tone.

"Y-ya, the last thing I remember was that I was with you and then...I don't remember the rest but I'm somehow here and I think I got kidnapped," taehyung said being a little sacred.

"Actually taehyung I kidnapped you," Lin said with a smile.

"Wha-what Jungkook this isn't a time to be joking this is serious,"

"I am being serious,"

"Jungkook come on, just get me out of this chair already,"

"I won't,"


"Because what's the point on me kidnapping you?"

"Wait...j-Jungkook you aren't being a s-serious right?" Taehyung was in the verge of tears, his body stiffened.

"I am very, wanna see how serious I am?" Lin pulled out a knife getting closer to taehyung.

"JUNGKOOK STOP!" With reflex taehyung kicked him away with both of his feet due to him being tied.

"That was rude of me I'm sorry, I should wait for my meal," Lin got up.

"Ju-jungkook why are you doing this? What did I do to you? I'm sorry if I did hurt you, you can kill me, if I hurt you it's ok, you can kill me," taehyung teared up.

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