Chapter 8

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The next morning Lauren was greeted by the flashing of cameras and the shouts of reporters as she arrived outside Jauregui Corp. Stepping out into the rain, she was bombarded by a million questions, each one indistinguishable as the reporters yelled over one another. One of the building's security guards was waiting outside, and quickly escorted her past the press whilst she avoided talking to them. Whatever they were here for was of no importance to her; it must have been a slow news day because she hadn't done anything lately that warranted attention.

Walking out of the elevator she handed her coat and bag to Ally and walked towards her office. Ally trailed in after her a few moments later.

"Here's your juice Miss Jauregui; spinach, celery, and green apple today," Ally informed her, handing her a cup of the green liquid, along with the tablet of today's schedule. She held her hand out expectantly for a newspaper too, but when Ally didn't hand it to her, her hand went back to tapping away at her tablet.

Lauren sat herself down behind her desk, taking a sip as she looked down at the screen. Sighing she scrolled through the day packed with endless meetings.

"Paper?" Lauren asked, raising one of her eyebrows as Ally clutched Lauren's morning newspaper to her chest.

"Oh, right ... well, there's been an incident-" Ally started, and Lauren sighed, reaching out and taking the newspaper off her. Ally's rambling trailed off into silence as she watched Lauren unfold the paper and stare down at the front page.

'Lovestruck Jauregui'

The title was written in large letters across the top of the front page, along with a picture of Camila kissing Lauren beneath it. Lauren's heart started racing; she had forgotten that they had been in a packed baseball stadium with thousands of other people. Just because she was dressed down and wasn't sat front row didn't mean that people wouldn't have picked up on the fact that she was Lauren Jauregui. Somehow, being with Camila had made Lauren forget about her highly publicized life.

"That'll be all," Lauren directed towards Ally as she shook out the pages. Ally didn't need to be told twice and quickly rushed out of the office, hoping that she could blend into the background for the rest of the day. Lauren was an indifferent person at the best of times, but front page articles and gossip was a sure way to put her in a bad mood.

Lauren was halfway through the article when her phone started vibrating. She looked down and her frown turned into a slight smile when she saw Camila's name, quickly sliding across to answer it.

"Good morning," Lauren greeted her, picking up her juice as she stared down at the picture looking up at her from the front page.

"Um, have you seen the news yet?" Camila's anxious voice came through.

"If you're referring to the photo of you kissing me, then yes, I'm staring at the paper right now," Lauren mused.

"Y-you don't sound mad," Camila said hesitantly.

"Mad? Why would I be mad?" Lauren asked her forehead knitting together in confusion.

"There's a picture of us kissing on the front page of every major news outlet in the city," Camila stated, as if Lauren was missing something.

"I mean, they could've been a bit more original with the title, but if you think this is bad you should find some of the articles from when my brother blew himself up," Lauren laughed bitterly. "But honestly, why would I be mad? For all they know that was just a kiss between friends. Imagine what they'd be saying if they saw the other kiss," Lauren smiled as she thought about it. She'd been thinking about it all night and all morning.

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