Chapter 52

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It was the day before New Year's Eve and Lauren was sat in her office talking to Camila.

"What time is your mom going to be here?" Camila asked.

"I don't know, like another hour or two," Lauren shrugged, sighing at the thought of their therapy session. Clara was also staying in town for a few days, and Lauren had extended an invitation for her to stay at her apartment.

"Don't sigh, Lauren, this is a good thing," Camila berated her and Lauren rolled her eyes, causing Camila to laugh. "I might not be there but you do know I can see you rolling your eyes, right?"

"Sorry. I know it's a good thing, but I just know she's going to bring up things that I told her over Christmas. Like, I'm fine with telling her things if she wants to know more about my life, but I don't want that dragged into therapy too," Lauren said, sighing again.

"You know, for someone who was trying to convince me to go to therapy when I get home, you're not really selling it to me," Camila said, giving Lauren a look of amusement.

"That's because you'd go by yourself, which isn't very fun either, but at least there's no bickering over the time you stole something, got suspended from school and had it all blamed on being an attention seeker," Lauren told her, grimacing at the memory. "Like, it wasn't even relevant to the session."

"Lauren Jauregui, you used to steal things?!" Camila exclaimed, and Lauren gave her a sheepish smile as she shrugged innocently.

"In my defense, it kind of was for attention, and it was only a parrot that one of the nuns owned, so it wasn't really stealing, it was more like borrowing," Lauren explained. "It took them a week to find it in my room and only because I accidentally taught it to say 'fuck off' and it decided to say it when my room was being searched."

"Lauren!" Camila exclaimed, laughing. "I don't even know where to begin with that sentence." Lauren laughed while Camila shook her head, giving her an exasperated look.

"So I can't wait to find out what fun things from my past are going to be brought up today," Lauren said sarcastically.

"Oh come on, surely it's not that bad. I know you, and I know if you hated it that much you wouldn't have gone back to the second session," Camila said.

"I mean, yeah, you're right, but it's sooo much effort," Lauren grumbled. "Like we have to talk so much and then we have to get dinner after and we talk then too. Talking is exhausting. I almost miss having no one to talk to. And I said almost, because I'm obviously just being dramatic, so let me have this one."

"I got that. Any other dramatic things you want to get off your chest right now?" Camila asked, raising her eyebrows expectantly.

"Yeah, and another thing – can't you just shoot yourself and come home? Like I get that you have to be there, but not if you're injured. Like what the fuck, Camila, just shoot yourself in the foot. Why haven't you done this sooner?" Lauren said as she laughed.

"You're right! Why didn't I think of that? I mean, it'll take like the rest of the time I'm supposed to be over here to heal, and then I won't have to go back. You really are a genius," Camila laughed.

"Or I have another idea. Say if I was to get stabbed again, would that work? I can walk around the city at like four in the morning, wear my entire jewelry collection. I'd be worth more than a bank," Lauren said, arching an eyebrow suggestively.

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