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A/M: Please listen to the music I choose for this chapter. Keep it loop. This is the longest chapter I ever wrote. Enjoy!


Rooftop garden. Tribecca. NYC. Fall. Midnight.

♣️ I left her broken crumbled alone in a cold rain. Frost in moves, I let her hand go.

I was standing there in the rain. I feel my hand touched by her from behind. She squeezed my hands. It stops me. I never look back. I don't want to see her face. I can't see her face. I can't look at her eyes staring back at me. I just can't.

"Please don't go.... " she said softly with a soft voice. Begging me from not leaving her. Like a whisper in my ears. Softly, but I can still hear it clearly.

I pull my hand slowly from her hand. Slowly I walk. I walk away from her. I walk away from the rooftop. I walk down the stairs. My leg stop behind the wall. I land my back on the wall. Wondering what just happen.

I can hear her voice, keep calling my name. I can hear her soft voice. Begging me for not leave her. I can still hear her from behind these walls. I don't have anything to say to her if I keep standing there with her in the rain. It breaks my heart to see her cry. I can't watch her sorrow face.

I was standing there behind the wall. Hiding. I touch my chest. I can't hold my tears if I keep standing there hearing all the words that she has to say. My heart will break into pieces if I get to hear she crying under the heavy rain.

The rainstorm keeps pouring.

I am the one who leaves her under the cold rain. I am leaving her. I am leaving her for good. This is the best for both of us.

I never see her break down like that. I never see her sad like that. I know it is because of me.

My leg is weak to stand strong for now. I crumbled behind these walls. Sitting there with all wet clothes. Sitting at these staircases. Wondering what I've done.

Is this the best way to end everything? To save her life? To save mine?

But, what can I do? This is the only way. I can't find any other way to save her. This is the best way that I thought, the best for both of us. I know, I am the reason she being like this. I hurt her. I know she mad at me from hiding things behind her back.

From the PR stunt, the engagement news, and about Josh. Josh secretly hide paparazzi to followed us, Josh buying BMR record label. I know all of it, but I keep it to myself, keep that secret from her. I can't dare to tell her. She never needs to know.

How can I make this breakup less hurtful, babe? I know she will make through this. I know, she will forget about me. I know she will. Leaving her was the best way for her and us, I guess. I know, she will hate me. She will never forgive me after all of this.

I will disappear from her life. I will keep my distance from her. If that what keeps her safe from Josh.

If breaking up with her could save her from Josh. I will sacrifice my happiness for her. I will do anything for her. I will protect her. I will fix everything. I just want her to be happy and be a successful and powerful singer in this world. I just want to see her shine. I don't want to be her roadblock or her wrecking ball.

"I'm sorry...bunny. I'm so sorry.. for what happened... " I said softly but she won't hear it. I know she won't hear it.

It feels a cold chill in my bone. All my clothes were soaking wet. I'm shivering from cold. I hug my body.

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