I - Barriers

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The interior of the Master's TARDIS looked a lot different than the Doctor's. The walls were lined with bookshelves and foreign machines that constantly moved like clockworks. The console itself was clean and of black metal, but engraved with delicate patterns that could only be felt when one ran their fingers over them. Somewhere stood a table with lots of taken apart things, where the Master loved to tinker around. And when he wasn't busy with that he usually sat on the sofa he had dragged inside here to read.

What Roka liked most about his TARDIS, though, was the lighting. The whole console room had small lamps everywhere, black and with delicate metal cages that resembled leaves. The light they gave off was of blue and green colours, contrasted by a set of orange lamps around the sofa area and the control table itself. The room was bathed in the sensation of being underwater, but still managed to give off a surprisingly warm ambience.

She strolled over to the table and picked up her Vortex Manipulator and a small tablet in which she had stored away all important data the Doctor had given her. It also could be used to access the tiny bots in her head. A necessary augmentation the Master had gotten for Roka, because her human brain wasn't designed for her infinite life span. Like this she might not have a better memory than other humans, but at least she wouldn't forget her past completely.

Still pondering about the strange encounter with the urchin, Roka typed in all info they had gathered on the planet - which wasn't much. She had to remind herself that this would probably take a long time, maybe even years. In case they wouldn't run into something useful by accident. Until then it was all about gathering data and sorting it for patterns.

 Until then it was all about gathering data and sorting it for patterns

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"You seem a little distracted," Roka remarked some days later.

The Master paced up and down inside the console room, some small gadget in hands he was constantly tinkering with. But here and there he seemed to completely forget about it, sometimes rushed to a table to write something down, only to get back to the console and read some data, to then remember the device in his hands again.

"No, 'm not," he mumbled absently. "Just thinking. Scheming." A half-hearted smile shot to his face, vanishing as fast as it had appeared. "The usual."

"New plans for the grand takeover of the universe?" she teased with a smirk and leaned against the console, steadying herself with both hands.

He only hummed confirming, although it could mean anything, actually.

"Or a new idea to bother the Doctor?"

"That too," he mumbled into his beard, his eyes suddenly lighting up and he ran back to his table to scribble down another set of circular writing. "Might get him riled up quite a bit, that one," he chuckled to himself.

"You just left him on good terms," Roka reminded him. "Why the animosity again?"

The Master looked up and gave her a, truly, puzzled look. "Again? Still! And why do these bloody fukori-circuits always burn up?" He growled lowly and threw the small device onto the sofa, before he rushed to the console and pulled two levers directly next to Roka. "At least the infinum-capacitators seem a little more stable now."

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