II - Unexpected possibilities

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The Doctor dropped her arms, her expression once again weirdly sad at Roka's sight. Only for a moment though, before the grin reappeared. "Come on, I looked a lot worse already."

Roka took in a deep breath. "You look good, really. It's just... I had no idea."

"Yeeeah, I know!" she exclaimed. "Such amazing hair and they are still not ginger! Can you imagine?"

"I think," the Master tossed in, giving Roka an amused smirk, "she means that you're a woman."

"Oh, that!" The Doctor's face lit up like a candle. "Yeah, had an upgrade." She stuck out her breasts and poked her fingers at both. "Hey, what do you think. Roka? Bit small, aren't they? But more comfortable with all the running." She reached a hand up to her head, as if to compare their heights. "The size is more bothersome. So unfamiliar." Her lips pursed. "Ah well, I'm still taller than you."

"That's not very hard," Roka grumbled, still trying to wrap her head around the sight. "So... regeneration also can change your gender?"

"Yeaaah," the Doctor drawled, "doesn't happen too often. Sometimes. First time for me, actually. New cycle, maybe it's that. Maybe coincidence."

"Maybe you always skipped classes and have no idea how to control your regenerations?" the Master offered with a sweet, teasing smile.

"Oi! It's a lot more fun like this! You never know what you'll end up with. Isn't that exciting?" The last words were directed at Roka.

"Eh..." She blinked, still a little confused, or rather unnerved. Her eyes darted towards the Master. "Probably."

Luckily the other Time Lord had himself a little better under control and remembered why they had actually been searching for the Doctor. His smile dropped to a no-nonsense expression as he took a step forward and... knocked the Doctor out with a quick blow against her head.

Roka yelped in surprise and rushed forwards, but the Master had already grabbed the unconscious woman at one arm and was dragging her over his shoulder.

"What the...?"

He grinned. "Here's the plan: Drop her somewhere, tie her up, steal the TARDIS. What do you think?"

Roka sighed deeply. "I bet she would have helped had we just asked."

"Yeeeah, I knoooow!" he whined. "Wouldn't that be boring? So, where might this stupid blue box be hidden?"

"Maybe you should have asked at least that before," Roka groaned. Then she suddenly chuckled, earning herself a questioning look. "Is this the usual way you two meet? First getting emotional, then playing games?"

The Master snorted. "I have not the slightest idea what the hell came over her. It was definitely not the usual meeting. Usually," he went on happily, "it's me having some huge advantage and presenting some nice challenge."

"To then get beaten in the final end." Roka snickered at his dark scowl. "Okay, but where do you want to look for the TARDIS?"

Maybe she should be concerned about what he had just done to the Doctor, but so far she was basically unharmed.

"Actually... no idea. No, wait. Easy." He stopped in his tracks and sat the Doctor down, leaned her against a wall - luckily no one was around to witness the scene - and then started to rummage through her pockets until he produced a key. "There we are. Should bring us right to... mhmm... odd..."

"What is it?" Roka immediately was curious when she saw his concerned expression.

"It's not glowing. Every TARDIS key is supposed to lead the way." His brows furrowed.

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