II - Coincidences and decisions

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"Come back, you bloody piece of junk!" the Master suddenly exclaimed and jumped to the patch of grass that had been occupied by his vanished TARDIS. "You can't do that to me!"

He let out a scream, kicked a stick away and let another batch of nasty curses follow, his anger quickly building up to rage. Roka tried to calm him, but none of her words seemed to reach his consciousness, every attempt to reach out to him failed. Eventually he dropped to his knees with his hands clawed into his hair.

"Quiet, quiet," he muttered and crumpled down even more, teeth gritted, eyes pressed shut. "Shut the fuck up!"

Roka squatted down next to him and lay a hand on his arm. "Calm down, please," she pleaded, barely able to cope with his distressed that flooded her mind.

When the Master looked up his eyes slightly twitched, his breath was rapid and for a moment it seemed as if he wasn't entirely aware of where he was. But then he slowly steadied himself, locked eyes with Roka and managed to calm himself just enough. His gaze snapped to the hand on his arm and his expression got puzzled, almost curious.

Roka took her hand away, unsure how to read his glare. "Is... it quiet again?" she instead asked.

"Almost... yeah."

"The remote control still doesn't work, I suppose?"

He shook his head and let out a ragged sigh. "She will come back," he stated almost pleadingly, "she has to! Especially with that bloody woman inside!"

"I don't think River will cause much harm. Last time it seemed she can handle a TARDIS. Maybe she'll get her back?"

"She better will," he growled. "Let's just wait."

Roka huffed. "We can't sit around here forever."

A murderous glare hit her and he sneered, "And what, in your all mighty human wisdom, do you reckon we do?"

"Well," Roka got up and reached a hand down. "First we get some food, because I'm almost starving because of your damn tests. Then we look for a place to stay. And after that I think it would be fun to just mindlessly get drunk somewhere. For a start."

The Master stared at her offered hand, decided to ignore it and rose to his feet, too. "Time Lords don't get drunk so easily," he simply stated and produced a tiny green cube from his pockets that he stuck into the ground. "Will inform us, when she gets back," he explained and nodded towards the buildings nearby. "Go on, then. It's your primitive planet, so lead the way."

Roka  had been to London several times during her travels

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Roka had been to London several times during her travels. It always was an exciting place to hang around and so she knew a few corners. The first thing on her mind, though, was food, and now they were sitting on red padded benches and stuffed themselves with burgers.

Around them the busy noises of a normal day filled the environment, the people blissfully unaware of the danger sitting amongst them, casually poking a fry into a spot of ketchup. Next to him sat an impressive stack of empty burger boxes and a halfway finished vanilla milkshake.

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