II - Stuck

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Act 2 - Stuck

In which people meet in the wrong order - again. And in which Roka and the Master have to cope with something truly new.

She hadn't awaited to actually fall asleep again after she  had probably rested for quite some hours before

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She hadn't awaited to actually fall asleep again after she had probably rested for quite some hours before. But when Roka woke up she was alone, instantly getting aware of the Master's missing presence next to her. She tried to reach out for him with her mind, curious as to how far this bond was actually reaching. However, she either wasn't capable of controlling it or they needed to be close for it to work. After all, she also had never felt any of his emotions while he wasn't in reach.

Roka pouted into the pillow and groggily got out from under the warm covers to take a quick shower. Only then did she remember that she didn't have any clothes in here and that she would have to go to her own room to get some. But when she opened the bathroom door and went back into the Master's room, she found a bunch of neatly folded clothes, plus underwear, right in front of the door.

A little perplex she picked the bundle up and carried it to the bed. It were some dark blue jeans, a simple black T-shirt and, much to her delight, a red checked hoody. Roka quickly donned everything, wondering who had put it here. Probably not the Master, or he surely would have at least said hello or leave a snarky remark.

She looked up, asking aloud, "Was that you?"

There was a slight humming in the air. The sound the TARDIS was emanating constantly in the console room, only with a different pitch, and it vanished quickly.

"Uh... thank you." Roka smiled. She wasn't used to a TARDIS reacting to her at all. The Doctor's had never particularly liked or despised her, so they hadn't interacted that much over the years. Or maybe she hadn't been able to notice Roka at all, due to the glitch, albeit it was questionable whether or not a machine like that would even be affected by it.

She was decidedly still too tired to think about it any further and strode to the kitchen. The one in the Master's TARDIS looked a lot like one would expect the cantina of a Star Trek series to look, and sometimes Roka got the feeling the Master had watched those series. Not that he would ever admit it. The floor was grey, the walls had different shades of greyish blues and the counter was made of marble. There were several ovens and hobs and a machine that could produce food from air. Literally. It took the atoms out of the ventilation system and rearranged them.

But Roka wasn't interested in any of it, she headed straight to the coffee machine, stuffed a cup beneath it and pushed the button, satisfyingly sniffing the air as it got filled with the scent of freshly brewed coffee.

"That's... ordinary," a female voice remarked from behind her.

Roka spun around in surprise and came face to face with...

"River. Y... you're here?"

She smirked and tilted her head a little. "Seems like it. Guess the Master was afraid you'd be mad at him for leaving me behind, so he came back and took me with you. Not in a very gentle manner, I might add." She sighed and quirked a brow. "I'm also heavily restricted in how freely I can move around in here."

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