II - More complications

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A/N: Oof, that took a little while, didn't it? I'm sorry to say, but for a while I was a little out of plot for this segment of the story. But I now know how to tie everything together properly, so on we go! °v°9

 But I now know how to tie everything together properly, so on we go! °v°9

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Roka swallowed and looked the Doctor directly in the eyes. It still was so weird to see her as a woman after all this time. It had been roughly twenty years that Roka had spent in the TARDIS, living as a ghost in its shadows. She knew the leather jacket and the pin stripe suit, had watched several companions come and go. Roka had made him tea whenever something bad had happened, had sat there, listening until the glitch made her vanish from his memory again.

The Doctor was still the same. Just with a different look. Maybe a little moody this time around. How long might it have been for her? Between now and her bow-tie loving self? What had happened during that time? How often had they met? And what had she witnessed to plead Roka not to... die.

"I really hope you say that out of concern," Roka mumbled, "and not because that actually happened." There came no answer and it was impossible to tell what the Time Lady was thinking. "But then... if it did... and you're telling me this... it means it is not fixed and I can still change it, right?"

"Some things are fixed," the Doctor finally objected. "But not all the details."

Roka nodded. "It's good you're not telling the Master."

At that the Doctor cracked a small smile and both women laughed a little about it. They knew how badly the other Time Lord would react.

"So. On a lighter note, have you met him recently? I mean, in proper order?"

The Doctor shook her head, then nodded. "Well, yeah. Twice. Literally. But all went so fast and I... Well, I haven't seen he... him since the colony ship. But we both know him, ey? He'll make it."

"Yeah, out of pure stubbornness." Roka giggled, but also couldn't quite hide her concern.

Had he been alone? Did that mean they had separated? For good or temporary? Or had she truly... No. Roka refused to believe she would simply die. Not after everything she had been through. Speaking of stubbornness...

"I never thought I would say this." The Doctor's voice tore her out from the musings. "It's such an odd thing with the Master. He never cared much for anyone around him. But you... I don't even know if it is really love, or obsession already. But Roka... he really cares for you. I hope you know that."

She smiled warmly at the Time Lady. "Yeah. I know. So do I." It made her think about the drums again. The echo of his past that only returned because he had been too close to her the moment she had died. "Do you... know how to dispel an echo? Something that isn't there anymore, but still ripples through time here and then?"

"The drums," the Doctor whispered. "I know about it. But... That's something I can't interfere with. It's too big. And it's not for me to decide. Even telling you a little might change how you would decide. And that I can't do."

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