I - Meeting backwards

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"You.... know me," River stated carefully, shoving her snow goggles into her pocket.

"Uh, yeah... guess I do." Roka slightly tilted her head, then finally understood. "But it seems you've never met me, so far."

River's eyes lit up as she, too, understood. "Ah, the joys of time travel, right?" She grinned and came a little closer, her movements clearly showing she didn't trust Roka, yet. "I hope we met and separated on good terms."

"Can't prove it, but yes." Roka shrugged and watched the curly woman stepping a little further, a hand shielding her eyes as they scanned the ruins ahead.

"Phew... impressive. More so than I thought it would be."

"Mhmm, kinda tempted to take a look at those," Roka mumbled. She turned a little to eye River and decided to just ask, "We briefly met a few times. But I actually never learned, who exactly you are..."

"Oh? Well, if that's so..." She stretched out a hand and smiled her playful smile. "River Song, human and aspiring archeologist."

Roka took the hand and returned the contagious smile, although this answer was as unrevealing as expected. "Roka Arkerson, also human and err... no profession, actually. 'm just travelling around, collecting stories 'n stuff."

"And my companion," a voice from behind added, letting it almost sound like a threat.

Both women spun around to face the Time Lord, who was now standing in front of the snow heap, ignoring the cold weather in his usual attire. His posture suggested calmness, but Roka knew him too well by now to see that he was carefully observing the situation.

My companion.

Roka felt her heart jump at those words, both in joy and surprise. Part of her had been wondering if he even still wanted her around, after he did his best to avoid her. There was, however, a playful smirk on his lips when he sent a look in her direction and then another, annoyed one, in River's.

"Are you following us, you pesky nuisance?" the Master demanded. "And don't lie. Believe it or not, but I can tell if you do."

River shot straight and glared wide eyed at the Master. Her wristband beeped when he came closer and she pressed a button to stop it, but never took her eyes off him.

"You're... a Time Lord?" she breathed out disbelievingly. "How can that be?" She stepped closer to him and held out a hand as if to check for his heartbeat. The murderous look in his eyes probably prevented her from actually doing so. "Then you must be the D-"

"Don't call me...!"

"... Doctor..."

The Master groaned. "Seriously, as if he's the only Time Lord in the... well, okay, right." He waved a finger towards River. "But still. Don't ever compare me to him!" He grumbled, but then a wide, wicked grin formed on his face. "Now look at that. We've never met, have we?"

"No. I'd definitely remember. All those years the Doctor was so devastated that he's the only one left. And here you are..." She slightly shook her head. "Does he know?"

"Yup." He grinned even wider. "I made very sure he won't forget our little encounters. Ever."

In the back Roka couldn't help but roll her eyes at that statement and smile at the same time. River arched a brow, obviously contemplating if the man in front of her was good or bad news. In the end she decided on settling for conversation, for now.

"Well, glad to hear that," she remarked, clearly showing that she knew in what way the Doctor would never forget. "And you two are here on... vacation? Not the nicest place for that."

Revery of Madness (Doctor Who)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon