Change from a fight

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-multiple weeks have past-

Dib woke up before his alarm did. He turned off the alarm so it wouldn't ring and flopped back down on his bed. He groaned into his pillow and then flipped over to lay on his back.

It was a Friday which ment school was almost over.

'This is going nowhere. Zim still isn't convinced! How long Will this take? It's been 4 weeks almost 5 now since I first began, that's like, a whole month! Zim still isn't talking to me. I don't know how much longer I can take this. Plus the bullies at school started teasing me more again.'

So many questions ran through Dib's mind, his eyes started to feel droopy.
But to stay awake he grabbed his ear buds and decided to watch YouTube on his phone until school.


Zim woke up to Gir jumping on the bed. "GIR! Stop the jumping!" Gir ran off upstairs giggling. "Sir-" The computer spoke but was inturrupted by Zim who was cranky from the abrupt awakening. "What."

"Sir, I wanted to ask... Irkens don't need sleep unless they are hurt, you've been sleeping a lot. I did a scan but you are in perfect condition. Is something troubling you?"

The computer sounded kind of worried, which was sort of knew. But it has happened before for when Zim would get badly injured or had a hard day the computer would be more kind to him. It was how it was originally programed after all.

"Zim is fine. I just relaxing to sleep and it's a big clock eater." Zim said trying to calm himself. "You mean time consumer?" The computer corrected and going back to normal, sassy self.

"Precisely." Zim said getting out of bed and getting dressed for a new day of school.

He did his usual wake up routine before school. Zim checked the time, 7:05.

"Computer watch the house and monitor Gir whilst I'm out." Zim said loading his backpack.

It was black with pink stripes on the main part and he coukd sling it on his shoulder. Like a backpack purse. Instead of a actual backpack because of his pak.

"Kay." The computer responded in a angered voice.

Zim then walked out the door and off to school. He usually left between 7 to 7:05. He liked to get to school and leave for school early because it was dark and calm.

As he walked he felt a cool breeze on his face. It was getting colder and the days were getting longer.

Zim was never bothered by cold since Irkens are made to withstand dramatically different changes in climate and weather. It was the same with heat.

By now it was what the Humans called Fall November and his base placement seemed to be in an area where it snows in later and early months but also gets super hot in the middle of the year. The sun would start to rise around 7:00a.m and set around 5:12p.m

Full daylight was at about 8a.m.

Zim then heard a distant sound of boots hitting pavement.

He instantly shot his head around as it was instincts to always be aware of one's surroundings. He then saw the slight figure of a human running towards him.

He could saw the signature raven hair, even from this distance, and turned back around. Zim knew it was Dib.

Dib caught up to him out of breath, his heavy backpack hitting his spine everytime he would run forward took a lot out of him.

"Morning-*wheeze*-Zim. *huff*" Zim stopped to face Dib. The second he stopped Dib slightly bent over putting his hands on his knees and catching his breath.

Dib's Experiment -Zadr-Where stories live. Discover now