Art Competition

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Friday came and School was back in session.

Dib woke up feeling refreshed. He has told Zim about how he would keep what happened under wraps, but that basically put fault on him as well for not speaking up.

He got dressed and walked down stairs to meet Gaz on the couch watching TV. Dib made some toast, spread jelly on it, and sat down next to her to eat it.

They chatted a bit as Dib finished his toast and put on his backpack, heading out.

It had snowed during the days of no school, it was a cold beauty as the fresh morning snow from last night lay untouched and smooth. A soft wind blew threw the cold air, having small snowflakes dance around the sidewalk. He came up to Zim's house and saw come out soon after.

Dib didn't know what it was but something was different. Zim was acting his usual self, he was wearing the same pink beanie and scarf. But something looked different about Zim, but Dib couldn't put his finger on it.

Zim walked up to Dib and they began their trail to school. The cild wind blew against their faces making Dib breath into his hands, rub them together, and stick them back into his pockets. But Zim looked unfazed. He wore the same outfut he wears during the summer.

"How can you wear the same outfit throughout the while year?" Dib asked gazing at Zim. "It's my uniform, I have to." He stated. "Don't you get cold, or overheated in it?" Dib asked as they crossed the street.

"Din can withstand intense tempatures, I could be naked and still wouldn't be affected in the slightest by this weather. I wear these extra layers since that's what all the other humans do during this weather." Zim informed.

"That's pretty cool." Dib said brushing away any weird thoughts.

Zim gave a prideful smile and placed his left hand on his chest having only his finger tips touching him, "What's even better is that it seems other Irkens do not have as strong of resistance as Zim." He brought his hand down and crosses his arms, "Another reason why Zim should be considered a superior." He said it in an upset tone.

"Isn't being an Invader a super big deal." Dib said blowing into his hands again. "It is! Only a handful out of the entire Irken race is chosen for invasion." Zim sounded offended even though Dib couldn't possibly have known that.

"Zim has even grown." Zim added as they approached the school.

Once they reached the building, they were met with a tense aura radiating from the property.

Students barely spoke over a normal room voice if they talked at all. Teachers were in the halls regulating what went down and the atmosphere was all togther unsettling.

The halls were hushed and quiet, even before school. Some kids weren't even there.

The while day went off quietly, they even made kids eat in their next classroom during lunch for the day to regulate students.

Eventuality during the school day, Zim and Dib were called to the office They were both asked questions aince the day of the murder there was conflict between the three. The principal was the nost sceptical of Zim, he was known for fights.

Dib had defended Zim stating, which was true, that he was with Zim when the bell rang for the end of the day. The principal had speaked with Ms. Swanson as well as Gaz and they said the same thing.

Zim and Dib didn't leave one anothers side.

Dib knew that the principal would trust hus word. Dib was a good student, and his Dad helps pay for the school to stay open. So the principal wouldn't dare expel him.

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