Chapter 13

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Light spread across the sky and streamed down onto the streets of Arcona. Peasants, hawkers, and merchants jostled back and forth in the crowded, mazelike streets. The green and white clad city guards stood at the gates inspecting the steady flow of visitors.

As the stream of people shuffled forward, Jack Linch sauntered past the pompous looking green and white clad Arconan guards. Jack hadn't missed the superior look in their eyes as though they were better than him. Jack spat, part of him wanted to go back and kill the swine. A very large part of him, but he was too tired and it would be a stupid, needless delay.

He had been riding for too long. He was slightly bowlegged and his whole body ached. The horse had been pushed to the edge, had he ridden just a few more miles the animal would be dead. He would need a new horse, maybe two, so he could switch off riding one or the other. That was, of course, assuming that Abdiel was not still in town.

The Rashakas had tracked his hated enemy straight to this city. Jack Linch had left the filthy hamlet with the burnt remains of the man he had questioned smoking on the ground. The old man had been completely unhelpful but as soon as the Rashakas found a trail they had started on the hunt once more. He refused to pause for rests or breaks of any kind but it was catching up to him. 

One of the Rashakas, in its guise as a king's soldier, materialized [like literally materialize? Can they be invisible or is this just a word choice]out of the crowd and began leading him off the main street and into the side streets. Jack followed silently ignoring the aches and throbbing pains that riddled his body. Hunger pains stabbed at him relentlessly and his mouth was so dry it felt filled with sand.

The Rashaka led him into increasingly empty streets. Jack had no idea how the creature could be reading tracks on cobblestone streets, seemingly, without even glancing at the ground. Its strange green eyes flicked around buildings and people never staying in one place long, giving the creature a constant view of everything around it. It suddenly stopped before a modest home and a simple wooden door. Jack stepped up and looked at the Rashaka expectantly. The creature turned to Jack and said, "Here." 

Hunger and thirst forgotten, Jack gripped his ruby and allowed the liquid fire of his magic flow through his aching body renewing his strength. Burning rage filled his chest and he stalked up to the door. Apparently, Abdiel had friends in this city as well. Cursed man has friends everywhere. He let red flames collect at his fingertips, then nodded at the Rashaka.

The monster in man's form kicked the door savagely sending broken door shards flying. The other two Rashakas appeared out of the shadows on either side of Jack as he entered the darkened house. A bystander walking by saw what the four dark men walking inside and ran the opposite direction. One of the Rashakas turned instinctively and gave chase. The other three continued forward. They were too close to be misdirected now.

Jack stepped into a simply furnished room. Unlit candles were placed along the walls. He glanced at the simple sleeping mat and a small wicker cabinet that, when opened, revealed some threadbare clothing and wooden eating utensils. Impatient, Jack turned to the door on the back wall. Pulling on the handle he found it securely locked and likely barred from the inside.

Undeterred, Jack Linch summoned a torrent of red fire that tore the door off of its hinges and flung its blackened remains into the next room. Jack stepped inside. It was completely dark save for the bits of light that made it through the doorway revealing vague shapes and shadows in the blackness. The Rashakas followed Jack Linch inside their eyes glowing softly and shifting across the objects surrounding them.

The Rashaka who had left to chase down the unfortunate bystander stepped inside dropping the boy's torn remains on the floor. The others spared it a glance before continuing to inspect the darkened room.

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