Chapter 35

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Ravena stepped carefully. She felt her boots sink ever so slightly into the mud. She pursed her lips in momentary annoyance and continued forward. She could see the shadows jumping back and forth in the mist. It was like watching the shadows of a strange dance being performed at night around a bonfire. She crouched low and slowed her pace as she continued forward.

Her hair suddenly blew in her face again. Wet strands clung to her cheek and tickled her lips. Sputtering she reached up and pulled her hair away. Wind and water whipped about her in a dark cyclone. She was soaked to the bone. She felt that she could almost bleed water at this point.

Then there was a sudden flash of lightning. Her eyes focused in the sudden light. When it grew dark again she was smiling. Thunder rumbled in response to the lightning and she crouched still lower. She had seen her prey. She had seen him kneeling over a dead man.

She reached up and ran a hand over her wet hair just to make sure it would stay put. He had looked young, much younger than she had expected. Her heart began pounding heavily in her chest. He hadn't seen her. Of course he hadn't! Her lips curved into a tight smile as she continued on.

She could see him just up ahead of her. He was just a shadow in the rain and mist but she could see him. Her heart pounded louder in her ears. Her breaths became shorter as she brought herself closer to her victim.

She was moving oh so carefully now. She had to keep firm footing in the slick mud. She wasn't too concerned about the noise of her footfalls and the squelching sound of the mud. The rain and thunder made any noises she made all but soundless.

She could see more details of the boy now. She could see the drenched tunic that was stuck to his skin. She could see water and wind pulling at his hair. His hair was long. She could see his shoulders rising and falling as he drew in breaths of the moist air.

Her heart was beating quick now. The boy seemed to be focused on the men battling her slaves just ahead. A wide smile spread across her pale face. He would be dead without even knowing who killed him. She struggled to calm her breathing but it wasn't possible. She was too excited. This would be glorious! She began raising her weapon. Her hand trembled as she drew closer.

At that moment a terrible sound tore through the air. She looked involuntarily towards the sound then dropped to one knee and tried vainly to cover her ears.

* * *

Ashur crouched low watching the Rashakas. He thought he was close enough to exploit any opening they gave him. His eyes jumped from one to the other. He was crouched low with his muscles coiled.

His right hand fingered the hilt of his dagger incessantly. He knew it hadn't been very long but it felt like he had been waiting for hours. He had to move at the right moment. He had to move at the right moment.

The Rashakas were fast, unbelievably fast. He was really surprised that he had managed to kill any at all. He had pretty much decided to go after the one on the left. It was crazier and less predictable than the other one but it was also more prone to mistakes. Thus far it had recovered quickly from the two mistakes it had made. So quickly that Ashur had almost missed them. He leaned forward slightly and controlled his breathing. It was coming. He could feel it.

Suddenly, a terrible sound cut through the air. It cut through his ears and raked across his nerves. He glanced towards it involuntarily and clenched his teeth. He couldn't see much but he barely noticed. The sound riddled through him and chilled him.

He clamped his hands over his ears and screamed but he couldn't hear his own voice. All he could hear was the sound. A roaring tearing sound that seemed endless. It made Ashur think of hundreds of steel sheets being torn asunder in his head. Only lit was more than that. Like trees being torn in half and mountain faces crumbling into the ocean.

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