Chapter 31

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Cassandra? Cassandra? Why do you cry, Cassandra?

Cass was huddled by the cold blue flames sobbing. The fire made the tears sparkle as they slid down her cheeks. She buried her face in her knees and tried to keep herself from making a sound. Her body shook heavily as the image of red fire kept appearing before her eyes.

She wished that Semildinatch would just leave her alone. She wished she could hide some place all by herself. She wished she could make the vision she had witnessed go away. Not her papa! Not him! It made her afraid to know what was happening to her brother. What if something was going to kill him too? What if she was alone in the world? She looked up at the impenetrable darkness. She really was alone.

You are not alone, Cassandra.

She looked up at the shadowy figure on the other side of the blue flames. She wanted to tell him to leave her alone but her voice caught in her throat. More warm tears slid down her cheeks.

I am sorry, that was a terrible thing that you had to witness.

"I told you!" cried Cass suddenly, her face snapping up. "I told you that this was a curse! Now my papa is dead!" her voice broke and she buried her face in her knees again.

But don't you see? What you saw has not yet happened. Which means that perhaps there is still a way to prevent it.

"What do you mean?" asked Cassandra slowly.

In the years that I have been imprisoned I have learned ways to use my sorcery beyond just making this blue fire. On occasion, though I cannot escape, I can touch the outside world.

"You can help him?" asked Cass rising up and taking a step towards her fellow prisoner.


Cassandra felt a bit of hope flickering in her chest. "What do you need me to do?"

I need a clearer vision of where your father is located. I will need to touch you with my own sorcery.

Cassandra watched as the shadowy form of Semildinatch began moving around to the other side of the fire. As he began to draw closer she suddenly felt a wave of uneasiness grip her stomach and chest. She stepped back involuntarily.

I need you to be brave Cassandra, whispered Semildinatch taking a step closer. He was still only a man shaped silhouette against the blue fire. Nothing about him had changed. Yet, Cassandra felt a queasy dread seize hold of her as he stepped around the fire. She edged away a little bit more.

Do not be afraid.

He took another step and Cassandra felt her heart pumping faster and faster against the inside of her chest.

I can help your father. Think of your father.

Cassandra nodded at the shadow approaching her. It was true. She needed him to help her father. Why was she feeling this way? She forced herself to edge a little closer to Semildinatch as he approached. By now he was standing right over her. She felt cold terror grip her body. Her breathing became short and rapid.

The shadow crouched down in front of her. As he drew closer Cassandra suddenly saw his face. Half his face was alit with the flickering blue light of the magical fire. From what she could see it was a human face. A handsome ageless face. His eyes were a shimmering blue that burned brighter than the fire that stood next to them.

You are a very brave girl, said Semildinatch with a smile as he stretched forth his right hand.

Cassandra watched the hand extend. Her whole body trembled like a falling leaf in the wind. She was so overcome with pure terror that she barely held to the glimmer of hope for her father's salvation. She looked up at the reaching hand with wide tearful eyes. This wasn't right, she thought suddenly. This was wrong! This was all wrong!

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