Chapter 18

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Abdiel walked past the simple café. It wasn't far from the docks and the smell of salt water and fish was stronger here than in other parts of Port Silver. Sailors and dockworkers jostled about competing for the various taverns that seemed sprout up in this part of the city like grass. Manfred's Café was one of the few cafes in this seedy part of town. It was run down and dirty, a handful of regulars slumped in the various mismatched chairs and tables that stood overlooking the bustling streets.

Port Silver was famous for its cafes and seafood but those cafes were all on the other side of the city. The better cafes stood in elevated areas overlooking the sparkling blue waters of the Great Divide. Those cafes were frequented by Port Silver's upper class, and the Tsade of course.

Abdiel sighed and leaned up against a tavern wall. People sauntered past each other in a search for themselves. All were oblivious to the highly trained guards that blended seamlessly into the background.

Finally spotting the Door Guards, there were two, Abdiel stepped forward and made his way to the café. They had already spotted him. One was playing cards on the street with a group of sailors. He seemed to be winning, but his eyes were alert, watching the passers by more than his cards or the other players. The other was laying in a gutter in front of one of the taverns. He was dressed in rags and. to all the world, he seemed to be in a drunken stupor, but he too was far more focused on the rambling crowd than he should have been.

Abdiel stepped up to the front of the café feeling the eyes of Order agents follow him. He kept the guards he had spotted in his peripheral vision as he approached one of the rickety old tables.

Only one or two of the handful of lowlifes that were slumped in the chairs of Manfred's café had the look of Order agents. The others were genuine lowlifes that frequented Manfred's with no clue as to its true purpose. One looked up at Abdiel with bloodshot eyes and mumbled something unintelligible.

Abdiel walked past the tables up to the restaurant counter. Red paint peeled from the aged wood. The server was pouring himself a drink and watching Abdiel's approach.

He spat on the ground and scratched a greasy blonde beard. By the time Abdiel had reached the weathered old counter, he had drained one drink and was already pouring himself another.

"I would like to speak to the owner," said Abdiel.

The man smiled revealing crooked yellow teeth that had seen more than their fair share of barroom brawls,

"Speak to me," he replied.

"I have something for your boss."

The man leaned forward and drained yet another cup. "I decide what the boss gets."

Abdiel placed the glass bird on the counter and looked into the other man's blue eyes. He saw a carefully hidden intelligence behind the man's rough façade.

"This is the work of a master," said Abdiel

The man picked up the bird.

"Eh pretty little birdie for me?" he said snidely glancing around at his half drunk customers. The ones that were still awake chortled. He looked at Abdiel contemptuously,

"You got gold or silver, drifter?"

Abdiel shook his head,

"No, I–"

"Then Hades take you and your stupid bird. Get out," he dropped the bird on the counter and pointed.

Abdiel nodded and walked away. The handful of Manfred's café regulars sniggered as he walked past. He walked past the Perimeter guards who all watched him inconspicuously. He walked two blocks down then turned and followed the street that ran parallel to the street he had just been on.

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