Chapter 2: Back Off, Mate

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I feel along the walls, trying to familiarize myself with which posters on which hallways lead to where. I feel something warm and sticky. Fucking blood... I think as I make a turn. I can here the faint splat sound of Chica's feet and I try to follow the sound. I finally end up in the kitchen, and the lights are on. I don't see Freddy, but I hear him say," look amazing. Kiss me..." followed by faint squirming sounds from Chica. "You know I like Foxy!" She yells. I like her, too...."You don't like that bastard, he's an idiot. He's lost out there and he's the one that fucking got us to where we are freedom because he bit that kid!" Freddy's words stab like a knife, and I flashback to that date.

<1987 Flashback> "You are retarded, you stupid fox." The little girl teased at me,kicking at my already somewhat dismantled legs. "Stop.......stop hitting me kid." I said, trying to keep my temper. I gave Chica a look of,"Help me." The little girl pulled at my lower jaw, giving it some pain....I couldn't help it. I bit her. I saw a look of terror creep onto everybody's faces as the little girl fell to the ground. I no longer felt my lower was me.

I ran into the kitchen and grabbed Freddy by the throat, shoving him into the wall opposite Chica. "Back off, mate!" I yell into his face, snarling and showing my large teeth. "Run, Chica!" I yell, and she obeys. "You little prick..." Freddy says and I throw him to the ground. The clash of metal on tile makes a loud bang noise, which I'm sure will send Bonnie our way. "Take it back!" I yell, tightening my grip on his throat. "No." He says, and I hear the loud thuds of Bonnie's footsteps. "Guys, break it up." His deep, calm voice tells us. He pulls us apart with one quick motion and starts to drag Freddy away. As they trail off into the distance I can hear Freddy say,"Why didn't they shut him down when they could have?" And I'm alone, again, feeling the same way I did on that day in 1987...

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