Chapter 14: I Wish Ye Would Go...

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        When I awoke, I was alone in the cove again, with no intent of leaving. Bonnie's muscular body pokes into the curtain. Before he can say anything, I quickly spit out,"I wish ye would go..." He frowns. "But I came to say sorry," he says coming completely into my curtain and sitting with me. "I don't broke something very important to me..."I say, turning my head, because I don't want to see his face. "I need to tell you why..." Bonnie says. I nod, but don't say a word. "When I was first put together, it was just Freddy and and Chica came in later. I was young, and I established a sort of child-like dependency on Freddy....he was, like, my leader. And he always has been. When he told me to play along, I did. That was the only reason, Foxy. The only reason. I need Freddy, I still do. I never meant to break your treasure chest." Bonnie says, and I believe him, but it's not something easily forgiven. "I wish ye would go..."I repeat once more, and I wait until I hear his footsteps patter away to roll back over, and fall asleep alone in the dark once more. 

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