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Hey guys back  with the second book for A Wolf's Temptation. Hope you like it. Sorry for the long wait.


It's been a month since Luhan has taken a "break" from school. He decided it was time for him to go back. He checked his phone before shoving it back in his pocket and took a deep breath before leaving.

He stood in front of the school as he clenched his bag. The guys were walking when they saw him. They all ran to him. "Hey guys" he smiled.

"Nice of you to show up. Wondering when you'd show your face around here" Xiumin said.

"Yeah. I had something's to take care of" he answered.

"Well you're going in or do you need a formal invitation" Lay teased. He smiled as they all walked in. They all got in the classroom. Luhan called Suho over to talk. "If you're worrying about whether they know or not. They don't" Suho assured him.

"No. You just ran out on our conversation. Did you know about me all along?"

"Not at first. But I figured it out."

"What about Donghae hyung?"

"Yeah. He introduced me to it."

Kai was walking down the halls as he stopped in front of them. "Ya, you finally came back too" Suho said. The teacher was walking into his classroom when he saw Kai, Luhan and Suho talking. "Nice of you to come back" he said to Luhan and Kai who bowed at him. "Hurry along then" he continued. They all walked in the classroom. They took their seat and looked at the teacher. "Let's start with taking the attendance. Shall we?" he said as he picked up his papers and started calling out names. Ah Reum's name was still on the attendance which made them quiet. "Jung Nana? Has anyone seen her?" the teacher asked.

"She's probably late again" D.O answered. Just as then she burst through the door. "Sorry I'm late" she said as she closed the door and stood in front of the class. "Just take your seat so we can start learning" he said. Nana had long blonde wavy hair and a kind face. Her body was perfect, almost like a model. She started making her way to her seat when saw Luhan seating next to her. She sat down, turned to him and smiled. "I'm Jung Nana. Your seating partner" she introduced. He didn't say nothing. "You must be Luhan. So that's what you look like" she continued. But he obviously wasn't caring enough to look at her. She turned back in her seat and watched the teacher carefully.

The bell rang indicating that it was time for lunch. The guys all got up and stretched out in their seats. As they were all leaving Nana jumped up her seat and asked "Can I eat with you guys?"

"Sure" Xiumin said. She smiled as she ran along with the guys. When they got to the cafeteria they all sat down at their usual table. "I'm going to get lunch. Anyone coming?" she asked as she stood up. Sehun and Kai got up as they went with her. "Hyung. What were you doing during the time you weren't at school?" Baekhyun asked.

"Just taking a little vacation" he said.

"Ya, you should have brought me with you. I need a little break from school" Chanyeol said.

"What are you talking about. You took two weeks off of school" Suho said.

"That was a different story."

Nana, Sehun and Kai came back with their food as they took a seat. "Here. I brought you some food" Nana said as she handed Suho a tray. "Thanks" he said as he accepted it. Luhan looked at her as she smiled to Suho, "It's nothing." Luhan was remembering the first day at school at lunch when we Ah Reum was looking for Suho to give the food too. He got up as he left. "Did I say something wrong?" Nana asked as she turned to watch him leave. "He was remembering something sad" Tao said. She turned back to face them. They were all thinking about it, and they all missed her dearly.

Luhan went to the back of the school as he started screaming to the skies. "WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE HER? IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME" he screamed. Kai who was watching this behind closed doors closed the door and left.

"Kris. I know you're watching. COME OUT" he said.

Kris stood there watching Luhan from behind a tree. He felt pity towards Luhan. "Are you happy?" he shouted.

Nana went to the bathroom as she was calling Donghae. She was waiting patiently as it went to voice mail. A small smile made it's way to her lips. "I see you're still not answering my calls. I'm at your school, I was told this is where I can find you but you're not here. By the way things seem it looked like you were in a hurry to leave. Call me when you get the chance, I miss you" she said as she hanged up. The door to the bathroom opened as a girl walked in. Nana scanned her up and down. Outside the bathroom all that was heard was a loud scream.

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