00. same old same old

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Monday 9th June - 2008 - 0709
Bolshevik Island - Russia

The dark oak door opened up slowly, creeks filling the void of silence. Two rows of six lots of children sat in the centre of the room, their pale backs against the mirrored wall opposite a thin yet tall woman they called 'The Matron'. Behind her stood a girl shorter than her, glassy-eyed and hair tied back into a tight bun. The children knew to keep their heads straight and no wandering eyes under any circumstances so that's what they did. The Matron walked in with her hands behind her back, her heels clicking against the vinyl flooring.

"Children, I'd like to welcome Aleksa to your classes. Treat her well, make sure she knows the rules." The children's eyes kept staring forward. Except for little Mila Volkov, whos' eyes betrayed her. It was killing her. She took a quick glance at the newbie standing near the door - had she come from the outside? Why was there a vacant look in her eyes - she seemed dangerous.

"Volkov! Eyes forward!" The child's skin ran cold, as did her blood. Her eyes snapped forward towards the usual spot on the wall where the cement wall started to crack. There was whispering before the girl from the front moved silently and sat at the end of the line. The oak door creaked closed.

"Children, I hope you've remembered your moves, today is test day. As you know, some of you will pass and some of you will not. Stay strong - do not make any rash decisions and remember to stay observant." One of the other adults in the room spoke, authority ringing through the air. Mila's heartbeat quickened, she knew what she needed to do in order to maintain her place. It was necessary in order to pass - in order to survive. Two loud claps were close enough to make her jump out of her skin. "Places!" The woman yelled. The children, in one swift moment, all stood up and ambled to their mentally marked positions. Mila placed one foot behind the other and raised her hands above her head, tilting her head to the side. The rest of the girls did the same, all staring dead-eyed into the large mirror. Music flooded the room.

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