03. encounter

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Thursday 2nd May - 2019 - 1900

Asgard was far more beautiful than Mila could've thought. The first thing she saw when she opened her eyes after clinging to Thor was gold, just... golden walls surrounding her, and a man standing in front holding a large sword. At first, the brunette subconsciously touched her gun but never pulled it out or discharged it. Instead, she let Thor introduce her and the man smiled down at her.

"Welcome, child. I am Heimdall, gatekeeper to the nine realms." Mila smiled.

"It's nice to meet you, this place is amazing." Mila breathed out in awe.

"I'm glad you like it, now, Thor I've readied the horses for you and Lady Mila." Mila scrunched up her nose and turned her head to meet Thor's amused expression.

"Here on Asgard, even our finest female warriors are to be addressed as Lady. You are no exception, as you are a fine warrior of Earth." Mila nodded her head in agreement.

"Why thank you, Prince Thor!" She exclaimed. Heimdall chuckled watching as Thor leads Mila over to two horses waiting patiently for them. Soon, Mila was galloping over Asgards' rainbow bridge. The sight was breathtaking - buildings stretching up to the sky, trees' shining in the golden sunlight. Mila couldn't help but smile. It was all too extraordinary.

"You're the second human to set foot in our world, after-"

"Jane Foster, I've read some of her work."  Mila replied, her horse cantering next to Thors'. "She's quite smart."

"And very beautiful," Thor stated, absentmindedly. Mila wiggled her eyebrows at him and he rolled his eyes. Soon, they came a large courtyard with well-dressed servants bustling along and a group of finely dressed warriors sparring together. Mila watched as their swords clashed, punches and kicks were dodged and laughter filled the air. "Friends!" Thor boomed, Mila rolled her eyes, remembering how loud he could be. Four heads turned and large grins appeared on their faces. Thor turned to Mila. "You'll like these people, they are of worthy competition to you!" Mila rolled her eyes as she dismounted her horse and stood next to Thor as he was bombarded with hugs from his four friends, one of which was a tall woman with long dark hair and a sword hanging from her hips.

"It's so good to finally see you, dear friend!" A man with short blond hair smiled, patting Thor on his back.

"Yes, unfortunately, I will not be staying for very long. An hour at most."

"Is it your brother? We heard he was being taken somewhere off-world," The woman asked curiously. Mila stared at her surroundings, too engrossed with everything to notice that Thor was trying to get her attention.

"Volkov!" Thor boomed. Milas' eyes snapped to meet hs and the four warriors were staring intensely at the eighteen-year-old.

"Hi! Yes, sorry, everything's just really pretty here." Mila smiled. The woman laughed.

"Lady Mila, it is wonderful to meet you! I am Sif, and these gentlemen behind me are Hogun, Fandral and Volstagg."

"We are the warriors three!" Hogun grunted out. Mila smiled and waved.

"Nice to meet you, I've heard a lot about you all." It was true, Thor often talked about his friends and missing his homeworld whenever he and Mila would have late-night talks. Not to mention she had also extensively read books on Norse mythology to impress Thor. At times, they would go head to head in a fact-off in which Mila always lost.

"If you'll excuse us, I must go and see my father. I'll catch up with you all soon." Thor bid goodbye to his friends and he guided Mila inside the palace.

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