15. best fake couple

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Sunday 12th May - 2019 -  1100
Stockholm, Sweden


There was, indeed, only one bed in the hotel suite that Loki and Mila would share but luckily it was a king-sized bed, so there was plenty of room. The hotel room was quite large, with a kitchenette they probably wouldn't use and a bathroom off to the very end of the room. Mila moved towards the bed and sat down, kicking off her shoes. She pressed down the crown of the watch and pushed one of the coms into her ear.

"Wanda or Steve - can you hear me?"

"Perfectly." Wanda's voice drifted into her ear. Mila sighed.

"Thank god." She mumbled. The scheduled six am flight wasn't as bad as Mila thought but after they'd landed, grabbed their luggage and had taken their arranged vehicle to the hotel, it was already 11 am. Mila was absolutely shattered, she'd only managed to squeeze in a few hours sleep but luckily they didn't have to scope out any location until later on.

"You sound tired. Get some sleep and then don't forget to grab some food before the party starts tonight." Wanda stated. Mila nodded. "I hear there's a market on until about six this evening. You guys should check it out."

"Yeah, maybe," Mila replied.

"Everything you need is in the closet and there's a fake plant by the terrace."

"Thanks, Wanda." Mila signed out, taking the com out of her ear and pulling the crown of the watch out. Loki stood out of the terrace admiring the view of Stockholm. The hotel was right in the middle of the city and it had a perfect view of everything. Mila got up and placed the watch on the bedside table, claiming the left half of the bed. She walked over to the plant near the doorway and gently pulled on the stalk of the fake plant. It gave way and sitting in the bottom of the pot plant were rounds of ammunition, money in Swedish currency and a few other items like Mila's knives and Loki's weapons.

"Found our stuff," Mila mumbled taking her knives out and placing them under her pillow. She wandered over to the large oak wardrobe near the bathroom and opened it to reveal dresses in dark colours as well as finely pressed suits. "And our clothes." She added.

"Wow." Loki admired the materials. Mila pulled her duffle bag close to her and rummaged around until she found a plain shirt.

"I'm changing then I'm sleeping. Disturb me in less than two hours and I will stab you." Mila warned, watching Loki roll his eyes.

"I may get some sleep too." He replied. "And you'll be dead before you can stab me," He replied lightly. Mila managed a sleepy smile before locking the door to the lavish bathroom. When she stepped out she was surprised to see Loki only in boxers, he was way paler than she thought, with white scars on his back and chest. He looked up and his eyes scanned over Mila's body, noticing her own little scars on her arms from the experiments she endured.

"No comment?" Mila asked stunned that Loki hadn't said anything. He merely smirked.

"Love, I have comments that'll leave you breathless," Loki replied. Mila sighed and ran a hand through her hair.

"Good to know." She stated. Loki chuckled.

"Your ability to dismiss my comments so easily baffles me," Loki commented as he slid into the bed. Mila copied him and jumped in on her side, quickly checking her phone for any updates. Only a Snapchat from Peter and Nat and Bruce messaging the Facebook group chat but that was something she could get to later.

"Luckily for you, I had to deal with Tony for the past few years. He's the king of sexual comments and jokes." Mila replied. "I've gotten used to it."

"Can I ask you a question?" Loki asked. Mila nodded her head, sitting cross-legged on the bed. Loki Lay down and turned his body towards Mila. "In all seriousness, how comfortable are you with the public display of affection?" Loki asked, his voice dripping with earnestness.

"I don't know - I guess I'm okay with anything." Thoughts, ideas ran through Loki's mind. He smirked and lifted himself up, crawling over to Mila's side of the bed.

"Anything?" He asked, his lips brushing her cheek.

"Anything that's appropriate." She clarified, moving her face away.

"I think we both have very different views of what's appropriate," Loki replied, kissing her cheek softly and then moving down to her jaw then her neck. Mila turned her face so she was staring at Loki.

"Testing boundaries are we?"

"You said you're comfortable with anything so I'm just making sure." Mila was a pretty good liar so she could sense when someone else was lying - Loki was telling the truth but he clearly had other motives. Let's play along.
From all the interactions in the past week that Loki had with Mila, he knew she had green eyes but never quite saw them so close up. Around her iris was a thin ring of gold along with specks of brown.
Slowly but surely, Loki leaned in and pressed his lips to Milas' and she kissed back, bringing her arms to loop around his neck. His hands sat on her thighs but travelled up with a touch as light as a feather and settled on her waist, pulling her closer to him. Loki deepened the kiss and Mila moved onto his lap - something that the god seemed to like, evident in the smile that appeared on his lips in the kiss. Mila pulled away from the kiss suddenly, making Loki frown. She smiled.

"What's wrong?" She asked as Loki once more connected their lips but not as softly as before, now knowing what was inside Mila's boundaries.

"You seem to find this appropriate," Loki mumbled pulling away from this kiss, his cheeks tinted a soft pink.

"As I said, I'm fine with anything," Mila replied, moving off his lap. Loki smirked.

"That was nothing."

"Oh really?" Mila quirked an eyebrow. "Does that mean that your comments you've been making for the past week have nothing to do with just wanting to kiss me?" Loki's lips curled into a guilty smile.

"Was it that obvious?" He asked, moving a strand of hair from Mila's face and behind her ear, Mila stared at Loki.

"Pretty obvious, yeah." Loki sighed and flopped back onto the bed. "The kiss was nice though." Loki smiled.

"Thanks." He mumbled, staring at her.

A nice little nap is exactly what Mila needed. She woke up before Loki did at about three - a full four straight hours of sleep, no turbulence, no sleeping on patients in medical bays - just a nice comfy bed and the knowledge that if Loki tried anything while she was asleep then her hand was tightly gripping a knife from under her pillow.

"What time is it?" Loki asked. Mila was in the middle of hanging up some of her clothes. She had changed into a short dark blue dress that went with some cute black kitten heels with a strap around her ankles. The dress luckily had pockets so Mila pulled the phone from her pocket and turned it on.

"It's three-thirty." She replied, watching Loki rub his eyes, his newly cut hair all messy. "If you get changed, we can go and grab some food, I'm starving." Loki nodded and reluctantly stepped out of the bed. Mila grabbed a set of clothes from the wardrobe for him labelled casual wear and he took it off her with a gracious smile.

"This isn't casual," Loki commented, coming out from the bathroom.

"Loki may not find this casual but Johnathan Parker does," Mila replied. She was now sitting on the bed flicking through one of the files. She glanced up and gestured to her outfit. "I hate dresses with a burning passion but I have to wear them."

"You do look beautiful, though," Loki responded, tying up his shoes. Mila placed the folder back into a hidden component in the wardrobe and picked up her purse, some of the money placed safely in there. She gave Loki a warm smile and they left the hotel room. Once out in the warm weather, Loki held out his arm.

"Shall we, my dear?" He purred. Mila took his arm and they deaded down the busy street.

"You're gonna have too much fun with this aren't you?" Loki smirked.

"You have no idea."

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