05. tour

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Thursday 2nd May - 2019 - 2040
Avengers facility - New York, USA

Mila sighed happily, seeing the familiar complex she'd lived in for the past few years. The complex was brightly lit by artificial lights on the outside as the sun had gone down long ago.  Behind her, Loki groaned and Thor scoffed.

"This is where I'll be staying? I'd rather take a risk on Jotunheim." Loki mumbled.

"It's better than it looks, brother," Thor replied, seeming to agree with Loki.

"Look," Mila replied walking backwards in order to see Loki and Thor. "You guys don't even have to stay here. But it's much safer than Asgard so I've heard." Mila added.

"Well well well." Steves' voice called out behind the teenager. Mila sighed, she'd already gotten herself into one fight today. Turning around, Steve's eyes were narrowed and had darkened a tiny bit.

"Steve," Mila warned. Steve looked down at her.

"Don't worry." He placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. He walked up to Loki and Thor, standing a few feet away. "It's great to see you again, Loki," Steve added, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

"Captain Rogers, you've aged," Loki replied, smirking.

"You'll be monitored 27/7, escorted everywhere by one of the Avengers at all times," Steve explained ignoring Loki's comment.

"Does that include Miss Volkov?" Loki asked side-eyeing Mila. Her mouth dropped open.

"Hey! I'm an avenger too!" She complained. Loki chuckled darkly. "Mudak," Mila mumbled, turning her back and walking towards the complex.

Walking inside Mila was welcomed back by Natasha waiting in the main lobby for her. "How was Asgard?" Natasha questioned. Mila smiled, linking her arm with Natasha's.

"Breathtaking." She replied. "You'd love it, Tasha."

"Maybe one day Thor will take me too," Nat added with a shrug.

"You could ask him when he takes his brother back?" Mila questioned. Natasha rolled her eyes.

"Wanda and Vision get back tomorrow, I've just had a call from them," Natasha stated, changing the subject. They made their way to the elevator and Steve called out behind them asking them to hold the lift. Mila broke away from Natasha and leaned against the door of the elevator for the three men making their way towards herself. "Eto ne budet vesel'ye." (This will not be fun.) Natasha muttered under her breath. Mila chuckled, the three men staring at them.

"Kak dolgo on budet s nami?" (How long will he be with us?) Mila asked.

"bez ponyatiya." (No idea) Natasha replied.

"I prefer it when people speak in the same language," Loki stated to no one in particular.

"That's nice," Natasha replied, sarcasm heavy in her tone. "Mudak," she muttered under her breath. Mila rolled her eyes, the elevator ride taking more time than necessary. Speaking of, the doors opened and Mila couldn't help but cheer a little inside.

"Finally!" A teenage boy's voice cried out. Mila smiled. She sprinted out of the elevator and down the corridor.
Peter Parker stood grinning from ear to ear. Mila squealed and jumped on Peter, he spun her around.

"When did you get back! You weren't meant to be home until June!" Milas asked breathlessly once Peter had placed her back on the ground. Peter chuckled.

Little Flower -- AVENGERSWhere stories live. Discover now