10. cold

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Wednesday 13th August - 2008 - TIME UNKNOWN
Bolshevik Island - Russia

Mila screamed in pain, her vision was blurred and her body felt like it was on fire. The small and damp room she was in echoed her screams and it made her head hurt even more. The bed she lay on vanished and beneath her was the hard and cold concrete floor which forced the air out of her lungs quicker than she could react. Mila cried out in pain, her body too weak to move.

"Chto?" Mila breathed out, feeling tears move down her cheeks. She turned herself over on her side and pulled herself weakly out from under her bed. The ground was too cold, it made her shiver. "Pomogi mne!" Mila screamed out. "Pomogi mne..." She whispered again.

'Mila'. Mila's eyes glanced around her small room. 'Mila.' The voice stuck in her head, almost as if someone had cracked her head open and started to whisper to her. Her eyes drifted over to the left - the concrete wall seemed to call her - well the voice seemed to draw her there. "Mila!" The voice seemed more clear the closer she dragged herself towards the wall.

"Privet?" She asked in a small whimper. Her name echoed inside her head again in a familiar voice she thought she knew. Mila's eyes widened when she finally connected the voice with the face. "Sebastian?" She squeaked out. A soft chuckle filled her mind.

"Da." He replied as if he were right next to the frightened girl.

"Gde ty?" Mila asked in a soft whisper hearing the thumping of boots pass by her locked metal door. It came and went every thirty seconds. Mila frowned and scooted closer to the wall, sticking her ear to the concrete and trying to listen for a sound.

"YA v komnate ryadom s toboy," Sebastian replied. Mila sighed, resting her forehead against the wall. She shivered and tried to keep her mind off the cold. "Tebe kholodno?" He asked. Mila nodded.

"Da." She replied. "Slishkom kholodno, slishkom kholodno." She murmured.

"My vse zdes' v lovushke." Sebastian seemed to whisper. Mila sucked a breath in.

"Voz?" She asked.

"Molly, Luka, Ivan, Elsa, te, kto vyzhil." Mila shook her head.

"Shest', net, mne skazali, chto tol'ko chetvero vyzhili." (Six, no, I was told only four survived) Mila protested. She could feel Sebastians' chuckle vibrate through her skull.

"Molli v sosedney s toboy komnate." (Molly's in the room next to you) Sebastian sighed. Mila glanced across the room to the other wall. "Ona mozhet kontrolirovat' temperaturu, poetomu vam kholodno." (She can control the temperature, so you are cold) Mila nodded, she probably hadn't meant to make it cold.

"Sebastian, mne strashno," (Sebastian, I'm scared.) Mila whispered. She'd spent too many days trapped in this small room and it was too cold to move so she stayed crying from the pain wrapped up in her blankets.

"My sil'nyye." (We're strong) Sebastian whispered back. Mila could hear something, like a metal door scraping open before Sebastians shrill screams echoed through Mila's ears. She covered her ears, pain shooting through her body. Mila cried out in pain just as her own metal door scraped open revealing the nurse that was always so kind to her - and two soldiers behind her.

Mila whimpered and tried to scurry away under her bed but one of the soldiers grabbed her by the waist and yanked her to her feet. No more medicine! Mila screamed in her head, knowing that if she caused any more trouble then she'd...well, it wouldn't be pretty. The guard shoved her, making her stumble but catch her step and followed the nurse down the corridor where she passed a door jammed shut with ice while soldiers were hacking at it to get it open.

"My sil'nyye," Mila whispered to herself over and over again.



Chto? - What?
Pomogi mne! - Help me!

Gde ty? - Where are you?

YA v komnate ryadom s toboy - I'm in the room next to you

My vse zdes' v lovushke - We're all trapped here

Tebe kholodno? - Are you cold?

Slishkom kholodno - Too cold

Voz - Who?

Te, kto vyzhil - Those who survived

Hey guys, just so you're aware, I'm leaving a lot up to interpretation with what happened to Mila as a child mainly because I want to leave some of her past as a mystery for now but from what I've already given you, you can assume what HYDRA are doing with these children. I really hope you're liking these kinds of chapters - I think I'll use a few more of these styled chapters to explain what happened but then I'll move onto other topics like the age of Ultron flashbacks, Civil War and maybe also a little something extra but I'll keep that a secret. I'll start doing every few chapters will be a flashback just to move my plot on a little more. If any of you have any questions feel free to comment or dm

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