01. this could get worse

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Thursday 2nd May - 2019 - 1353
Avengers facility - New York, USA

"Great, and now you press this button here-"

"The home button, right?" Mila stopped in her tracks. The elevator door closed shut behind her and she slowly walked around the corner to find Tony and Steve sitting huddled together on one of the couches. In Tony's hand was one of the later iPhone models.

"Guys?" She called out. Steve looked up and his cheeks tinted red from embarrassment, whereas Tony just smirked and waved.

"What's up kid," Tony spoke, passing the phone back to Steve.

"I was wondering the same from you two," Mila replied, leaning against the door smirking.

"Oh, just teaching Capsicle how to use 21st-century technology." Steve rolled his crystal blue eyes, a hand went through his messy blond hair. Tony merely nudged him.

"Are you sure you're the best person to do that? You can come off quite passive/aggressive when you want to, Stark." The brunette replied. She took a few steps forward and sat down on one of the couches opposite the grown men. Kicking her feet up on the armrest, she pulled out her own phone and replied to a text that her best friend, Peter Parker, had sent her. He was currently in Chicago with his Aunt May and wouldn't be getting back for a few weeks.

"You seem more...chill - as the kids say these days- about technology. You think you could help me out?" Steve asked politely. Mila looked up and smirked at Tony. He rolled his eyes, standing up.

"You kids have fun." He started walking towards the door.

"Love you too Tony!" Mila cried out, watching Tony disappear. The living room that sat on the third level fell into a comfortable silence. Steve or Tony...or even Clint who was probably hiding in the vents right about now had probably turned on the radio and the soft vocals of some 80's pop star flooded through the room.
This month, Steve was getting used to the '80s, next month it would be the '90s and the month after that would be the '2000s.
Tony was like a father to Mila, he was the one to find her after her home...her school...the place she grew up was destroyed in a gas explosion. He was the one to comfort her and help her grow out of every bad mindset the Red Room had set her to, as well as Natasha Romanoff. Natasha and Tony were like her adoptive parents.

Mila's eyes shifted back to Steve who sat staring at the teenager, the phone sitting next to him.

~ ~ ~

Four hours had been chewed up quicker than Mila thought, her and Steve had been working on his phone skills for a majority of the evening and by the time they had successfully sent a text to Natasha and face timed Bruce for a whole two minutes, it was time for dinner.

Mila joined everyone at the table. Sitting on her right was Tony followed by Rhodey, Sam, Clint, Natasha, Bruce and Steve sitting on her left. Wanda and Vision were away in some remote part of France, taking a much-needed vacation.

"So how did teaching Capsicle go, tsvetok?" Natasha asked with query eyes. Mila smirked.

"Stiv ne sovsem bespolezen." She replied in Russian. Steve's head perked up, hearing a version of his name.

"Are you talking about me?" He asked slyly. Mila merely shrugged her shoulders.

"Perhaps." She replied in English. She glanced over at Natasha and giggled, watching her mother figure wink playfully at her then smugly at Steve.

"It's our secret," Natasha replied.

"Avengers!" A deep rumble echoed through the dining hall. Mila knew who could enter a room like that.

"Thor!" She and Tony yelled in unison, excitement flooding her veins.

"How is my favourite Mini-Tony?" Thor ruffled Mila's long brown hair. She frowned and pulled her hair away from Thor as she swatted his hand away.

"Finally come to take me to Asgard?" She asked, batting her eyelashes. Thor took a seat opposite Mila and next to Natasha and Bruce. Thor cleared his throat before taking a sip of the beer that was placed in front of him almost immediately. He nervously side-eyed Tony who kept his mouth shut.

"Well, I do have some business to attend to so I suppose you could join me." He replied.

"What kingly stuff do you have to do?" Clint asked, mouth full of mashed potatoes.

"I'm not king yet and it's more of a...delivery."

"C'mon, you gotta give us more than that." Steve prompted. Thor thought for a quick second, letting tension hang in the air.

"Well I have discussed it with Stark... one of the prisoners lives have been threatened recently, leading to a number of attempted assassinations."

"You're not talking about who I think you are, right?" Steve placed his knife and fork down onto the table.

"I'm talking about my brother," Thor replied after a beat.

"You can't possibly bring him here!" Rhodey protested.

"The dude used me as a puppet!" Clint yelled.

"He killed Coulson!" Bruce jumped on the bandwagon.

"Alright enough!" Tony yelled standing up, his chair creating a scraping noise that echoed throughout the room.

"Thor needs a favour and as his friends, we should help him - Loki will be on 24-hour watch in his own personal quarters. Nothing will happen, I promise."

"Don't make promises you can't keep, Stark." Clint huffed, moving from his chair, his utensils clattering onto his plate. Natasha rushed after him. Mila glanced at Thor.

"I'll still come and make sure nothing goes wrong." She stated to no one in particular. Thor nodded.

"We leave in an hour." He grumbled moving from his seat.

"Well shit," Sam mumbled taking a sip from his drink. Steve turned his face towards Mila who was staring down at her half-eaten meal, her appetite gone.

"Just be careful, trusting Loki's your first mistake." Steve stood up, mumbling that he'd lost his appetite as well. Mila looked around the table. Rhodey, Sam, Tony and Bruce were the only ones left.

"I think it was a nice thing to do, Tony," Mila replied lightly. She got out from her place and took her plate to the bench, discarding whatever remained and placing her empty plate into the dishwasher. "I'll be careful." She patted his shoulder and walked out of the dining room to go and get ready.

Thor was waiting for Mila outside the compound exactly an hour after the heated discussion. Mila had on a handgun strapped securely to her thigh which Tony had insisted she bring with her. It wasn't too noticeable underneath her light green summer dress. And of course her trusty knives, one strapped to each arm in a sleek wrist holster that Tony and herself had designed together. It was light, compact and when she flicked her wrists, the weapon shot into her hand.

"You look ready to go into battle," Thor commented. Mila rolled her eyes.

"Thank Steve and Tony - my overprotective dads," Mila replied rolling her eyes. Thor chuckled.

"Don't worry, Loki won't be getting within six feet of you." Mila smiled.


"Are you ready to go?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

tsvetok ~ flower
Stiv ne sovsem bespolezen ~ Steve is not completely useless

Little Flower -- AVENGERSWhere stories live. Discover now