19. extraction

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Monday 13th May - 2019 - 0648
Stockholm, Sweden

Mila's waist felt heavy when she woke up. Then something shifted behind her. You know that moment when you're scared shitless and you can feel your own heart in your throat along with anxiety that slowly takes over, yet you remember a second later what actually happened the night before? Mila felt that. She let out a deep breath, feeling Loki's arm around her and his breath on the back of her neck.

The morning light started to stream through the white curtains, lighting up the room. Mila still couldn't pinpoint precisely why Loki liked her - there was not a lot to like, she constantly insulted Loki in both English and other languages, threatened to stab him on more than one occasion and she was just an all-around bitch to him a majority of the time.

Loki shifted, moving just a little bit closer to Mila so she could feel him against her back. His body was warm, despite being the son of a Frost Giant who was meant to be...well cold. "Are you awake?" Loki asked faintly in Mila's ear, sleep still evident in his voice. She contemplated not answering, finding strange comfort in the gods grasp but she nodded her head anyway.

"Yeah." She replied.

Loki hadn't realised that at some point in the night he had grabbed Mila and hadn't let go and when he woke up some minutes after the girl had, his body tensed. Would she push him away once she realised how close to him she was? Would Mila curse at him and tell him he's just as bad as the bastard tied up in the bathroom?
He couldn't tell if she was awake or asleep - Mila slept so quietly anyone would mistake her for faking sleeping or, if he ignored her chest rising and falling, Loki would mistake her for being dead. Loki, once more, didn't think when he leaned a bit closer to Mila and whispered to her, his heart was hammering in his chest when she replied to him after a beat but he couldn't take the smile off his face when she rolled around and smiled sleepily at him.

"You're completely healed," Mila mumbled, her eyes sweeping over Loki's features. She brushed her thumb over his jaw where there had been a nasty cut but it was gone. Mila noticed his cheeks tint a soft pink when she touched his face. Loki grimaced, seeing the small bruise on Mila's cheekbone from where Christian had smacked her the night before.

"You're not," Loki replied rather grimly. Mila merely shrugged.

"I don't heal as quickly as you." She replied in an 'its obvious' tone. Mila sat up, to Loki's melancholy, stretched her arms and hopped out of the bed. He watched her grab her clothes and turn back around, staring at him. "Turn around?" She asked politely. Loki's mouth made an O shape and closed his eyes, turning his head away.

"I hope you know I meant everything I said last night," Loki stated. Mila's cheeks tinted light pink and she kept her eyes on her coffee, steaming in her hands. Loki leaned against the kitchen counter watching Mila carefully.

"I know." She answered taking a sip of the bitter beverage. Loki sighed and moved closer to her, standing with his hands resting on the kitchen island. He opened his mouth to say something but Mila bet him to it. "If you're gonna ask, it doesn't make me uncomfortable." She stated, looking up to his eyes. Loki wasted no time in giving her a little smile which she returned. "But so you know, Steve and Tony won't be happy about this." She got up out of her chair and started filling a glass with cold water.

"I realise this," Loki replied, turning to her and folding his arms over his chest. Mila started walking towards the bathroom. "May I ask what you're doing?"

"Nothing?" Mila replied innocently, opening up the door and slipping in. Inside, Christian was still tied up, asleep with a bruised face. Mila didn't even cringe - she'd seen worse but she mentally scolded Loki. Mila's bare feet made no noise on the tiled bathroom floor and she watched Christian sleep for a few minutes before pouring the water on his face. Christian's eyes almost popped out of his skull, he gasped and sat up as much as he could, considering his hands were tied to the bath taps.

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