09. party

44 2 0

Friday 10th May - 2019 - 1843
Avengers facility - New York, USA

Mila stared at herself in the mirror. If she were to tell her eight-year-old self that she'd be where she was right then her eight-year-old self wouldn't have believed her. She finished up the touches on her light makeup and applied a light lip gloss. She smiled. It looks fine. Mila grabbed her purse and made sure that the daggers hiding underneath her dress (strapped to her thigh of course) were secure before leaving her room.

Mila made her way towards the elevator and in the lobby, she was greeted by Peter, Bucky and Steve in dress suits, Natasha in a cute dark red dress and Thor and Loki had traded in their Asgardian attire for casual suits.

"Damn, you look better than me!" Tony also made his way towards the group. His comment towards Mila made everyone stare at her.

"Thanks, Tony." Mila smiled kindly.

"Nozhi?" Natasha asked, smiling at how pretty the girl who stood next to her looked. Mila smirked and patted her thigh which concealed her weapons.

"Vsegda," Mila replied watching Natasha chuckle. Steve chucked her a pair of keys.

"You're driving," Steve commented. Mila shrugged.

"Cool, who am I taking?" Tony looked around, deep in thought.

"Pete, Bucky and Reindeer Games." Peter's head shot up and Loki rolled his eyes at the nickname that wasn't going to fade away.

"Shotgun!" Peter shouted, making Steve stand protectively in front of Natasha and Thor cover Mila. She laughed, pushing Thor away.

"Guys! It's an expression meaning Peter wants to sit in the front seat!" Thor and Steve stared at each other embarrassed.

"But why not just say so?" Loki asked confused.

"Because then we get to see a reaction like this." Peter snickered. Mila and Peter shared a quick high five and before anyone could tell them that they were idiots, Mila started to walk out of the lobby and towards the car park where a sleek black Holden Commodore sat waiting for them. "Shit!" Peter exclaimed running up to the car.

"3.6 Litre V6 engine, adaptive cruise control, manual and bulletproof," Mila stated causing Peter's eyes to go wide. "Tony got it about a month ago and we worked on it to make it better, essentially. He wanted us to be safe."

"Sounds like Mr Stark." Peter agreed.

"Well, we never had these in the '40s." Bucky joked, earning a light chuckle from Peter. Loki rolled his eyes.

"You call this a vehicle?" He asked folding his arms.

"I swear, brother, if you annoy Mila I give her full permission to push you out of the car," Thor commented as he, Natasha, Steve and Tony made their way over to a dark blue Holden Equinox.

"While the cars' moving?" Mila asked jokingly, watching Loki glare at her.

"Yes, if it's necessary." Thor joked back.

"Sweet," Mila mumbled to herself as she hopped in the driver's seat, Peter got in beside her and Bucky sat behind her while Loki sat on the other side of Bucky.

"This reminds me of that episode from the Office where Dwight sits behind Jim because he thinks it'd be safer." Peter reminded Mila. She smiled, shifting into first gear and moving off towards the tower.

"We should totally film our own episode." She replied, earning a laugh from Peter.

"We could hire Steve Carell as well!" Mila smiled.

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