08. brandings

27 1 0

Friday 20th June - 2008 - 0609
Bolshevik Island - Russia

Mila forced her eyes to stay open - it was far too early but the Matron had sent a soldier to each of the children's new rooms to bring them into a brightly lit and sterile room that smelt of bleach and medicine.
A week after she and the children had settled into their new rooms, their 'medicine' intake became more regular and out of the seven children that had been picked, only four remained. The medicine didn't help - Mila became more frightened with every dosage she was forced to take.

One of the nurses made her way towards Mila with the same syringe she had seen more times than she could count - but this nurse was new. She wore a bright smile on her red lips with her dark brown hair tied back into a neat braid. She smiled kindly at Mila. "Mila Volkov, seven years old  with pretty green eyes!" Mila narrowed her eyes.

"You speak English." She quizzed quietly. Her eyes scanned the white curtains that separated her from the rest of the remaining children, she didn't want one of the soldiers to hear her speak - they were not permitted to unless for a good reason. The nurses' lips quivered almost as if she wasn't expecting the child to reply. "And American, no?"

"Very good, yes I am from America. Though I speak in many languages if you prefer your language." The nurse asked. Mila's eyes came away from the gap in the white curtains as a soldier walked past, his m16 colt semi-automatic tucked under his arm. Her head shot down and she gave a weak shake of her head, notifying that English was fine for the American nurse. The nurse took the syringe, studied it as if she had not seen the liquid before and sighed. She glanced down at her sheet on the clipboard sitting on her lap. She muttered something Mila didn't quite catch and, after hesitating a few times, inserted the needle into the IV that ran from one of the veins in Mila's hand. She had to wait for a few minutes before she started moving.

The nurse had placed the syringe down on the metal table next to her. She noticed Mila scratching at her arm, an uncomfortable expression plastered on her face and moved closer to the child. She held out her hand, hoping that Mila would put her arm in her hand so she could inspect but Mila recoiled, scooting further back onto the little bed she sat on. "I won't hurt you. Ty mozhesh' doveryat' mne." Mila relaxed - no one had ever told her that they could trust her before, the nurse stared at Mila with her kind blue eyes, hoping she didn't scare the child. Slowly Mila held out her right arm and all up and down her arm were little needle marks with some tiny other scars. Her arm was red and swollen from Mila scratching it.

"It itches," Mila said quietly in English. The nurse nodded and searched for a small pack of antiseptic wipes. It stung - of course it stung and afterwards the nurse decided to wrap it up with some gauze to prevent Mila from further scratching.

"Deti!" One of the soldiers yelled. The nurse took out Mila's IV line and also put a plaster over that and watched as Mila slowly stood. The curtain was ripped to see the other three children being taken back down the pristine corridor and a soldier waited for Mila, his eyes black and unkind staring at her. As the soldier walked Mila back out, she glanced behind her and watched the nurse give her one final encouraging smile before her face disappeared.


Ty mozhesh' doveryat' mne - You can trust me
Deti - Children

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