20. gone

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Tuesday 14th May - 2019 - 0206
Avengers facility - New York, USA

When Mila landed the jet in the hanger, and after she and Loki had collected their stuff, she met Wanda who was waiting impatiently for the three in the lobby. She lunged at Mila, wrapping her arms tightly around the girl's shoulder and hugging her close. Mila smiled and hugged Wanda back.

"YA v poryadke," Mila whispered. Wanda chuckled, pulling away and gently brushing her thumb over Mila's bruised cheek.

"YA znayu, Tsvetok," Wanda replied. The four made their way up to Mila, Loki and Steve's level where the remaining Avengers who weren't on a mission sat on the couches watching a documentary.

"It's two am and you guys are watching David Attenborough without me?" Mila questioned, dumping her bag near her door then walking over to the group. Everyone; Thor, Rhodey, Clint and Bucky, all looked up and their faces changed to that of excitement. "So rude!"

"What's up, Volkov!" Rhodey exclaimed happily.

"It was Clint's idea!" Thor boomed.

"Bitch no it wasn't!"

"How was the mission?" Bucky piped up. Mila, Steve and Loki glanced between each other.

"We caught the guy," Wanda stated, walking back to her spot next to Clint on one of the couches. She lifted her glass of red wine to her lips and took a sip. Wine at 2 am? Wanda shrugged her shoulders noticing Mila quirking an eyebrow in her direction.

"What she said," Mila replied nodding in Wanda's direction.

"Brother - did you play fair?" Thor asked warily. Loki glanced at his brother then to Mila and finally back to Thor.

"I assume so, otherwise Captain Rogers would most definitely not let me anywhere near here," Loki replied with a smirk.

"I doubt it would be up to Captain Rogers." Thor shrugged his shoulders.

"Captain Rogers definitely has a say, though." Mila countered, moving to stand behind Wanda and wrap her arms around the witches' neck with her chin resting on her head.

"Can we stop with the Captain thing please?" Steve whined. "We're not on a mission anymore."

"Aye aye, Captain!" Mila and Clint mocked in unison, turning to give each other a high five. The rest started laughing while Steve rolled his eyes.

"Okay, everyone, I'm off to bed. I recommend Mila and Loki do the same - you both have to type up briefing reports for Fury and Stark to go over." Mila nodded.

"I'm gonna go take a quick walk," Mila said, moving past everyone and towards the elevator.

"Sebastian's fine!" Clint called out. "I checked in on him at nine-ish last night."

"Okay!" Mila called back out, ignoring the clear sign that Clint was throwing her to get some rest. The elevator doors closed and Mila sighed, pulling out her phone and texting Tony that she was home and she hoped he'd be home too.
All she needed was just some one-on-one time with her father figure, a bit of engineering with him always made her feel calm. How could someone love you when you don't love anything in return? Mila frowned - Christian Bissets' words had truly gotten to her and had dampened her mood rather quickly. She did love people - she loved Natasha and Tony like parents, Wanda like a sister. 

When the doors opened, Mila was confused to see red flashing lights in the darkness, leading up to the medical wing. The crisis protocol had been activated. Her confusion died and was replaced with fear when she saw a broken window next to an empty bed.

Little Flower -- AVENGERSDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora