12. consciousness

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Saturday 11th May - 2019 - 0129
Avengers facility - New York, USA

He looked so pale, calm, as if he never pulled a gun on Bucky, like his gunshot to the stomach meant nothing. Mila couldn't rack her head how he even managed to find her - it's not like she was out in the spotlight for everyone to find. Then again, maybe some of her personal information was released when Natasha released both HYDRA and SHIELD files before the fall of the Triskellion.

Tony looked exhausted, slumping as he shuffled his way into the medical bay with a coffee warming up his hands. Mila glanced up from staring at Sebastian and Tony sighed, placing his coffee onto the nearest bench. Mila got up from her seat and rushed over to Tony, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck.

"Thank you, Tony," Mila mumbled close to tears. The adult wrapped his arms around Mila's shoulders, embracing the girl he thought of as a daughter.

"We were close to not saving him at all but Bruce and I got lucky." Mila nodded and wiped her wet cheeks with the end of her jumper. Tony guided Mila over to the comfy sofa in the lab for him and Bruce when they were exhausted from working in the lab and needed a cat-nap. "Wanna tell me how this kid knows you? Hell, Mila he doesn't look much older than you."

"He's only eighteen months older than me. His name is Sebastian Morozov, he and I were friends growing up as children and we were both experimented on by HYDRA." Mila explained. Tony nodded. "Don't ask me how he got here - I have no clue." She admitted.

"It's okay, you can ask him when he wakes up. Does he speak English?" Mila nodded.

"Many languages, like myself." Mila glanced up at the sound of rustling sheets - Sebastian was awake and looked scared shitless. Mila forced herself out of her chair and bolted to Sebastian, cupping his face with her hands.

"Mila." Sebastian breathes out.

"Da-Da Eto ya - vse budet khorosho." Mila stuttered out as joy filled her heart. Sebastian smiled then laughed, touching her hands and sighing in relief. Sebastian's eyes opened and saw Tony standing behind Mila. He smirked and waved.

"Thank you." Sebastian blurted out, he had a Russian accent that Mila had never heard - She'd only ever heard him talk in their birth language. Tony smiled and walked up behind Mila, placing a hand on her shoulder for support.

"It's no problem kid." Tony held out his hand, a very not-Tony thing to do. "Tony Stark, this one's legal guardian." Mila rolled her eyes. Sebastian took his hand and gave it a quick shake.

"Yes-yes I know who you are, Mr Stark...Iron Man." Sebastian chuckled. "I am Sebastian, one of Mila's old friends."

"She explained who you are so don't sweat it." Tony nodded. Mila took a seat at the edge of Sebastians bed.

"How did you find me?" Mila asked. Tony looked between the two.

"I'll give you some privacy, but you have a mission briefing in t-minus nine hours so I expect you to get some sleep." Tony pointed a finger at Mila. He pulled out his phone which showed a video of... Tony pulling out his phone and the teenagers staring at him. "And I'll see everything you two do - so keep it PG." They both nodded and Tony left, closing the door behind him.

"I came to warn you, Mila," Sebastian stated, still speaking in English. Mila frowned. "HYDRA... some of the soldiers made it out along with two of the doctors– they pulled me out of the building before it completely caught flame but everyone else burned." Tears sprung to Sebastian's eyes. Mila shuffled forward and sat next to Sebastian, letting him lay his head on her shoulder.

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