Rope Sub POV

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This isn't a sexual fic, I really wanted to play with the intimacy of submission, because it really is a beautiful expression of trust through vulnerability... but that's just my opinion.

The key Simon gave me to his and Penny's flat, has proved itself to be useless, on account of the fact that Simon never remembers to lock the door. I don't bother to shout a greeting into the house once I'm through the door, like I usually do. I'm so exhausted from today, I really just need to unwind.

"Hi, Baz." Simon greets, walking into the front room holding a cup of tea, he must've heard me enter. "How was your day." He asks, sitting down beside me on the couch.

"It was fine... That's a lie, it sucked and I'm honestly so exhausted." I tell him, resting my head on his shoulder and closing my eyes. He runs his hands up and down either sides of my arms.

"I'm sorry to hear that." He frowns, biting his top lip anxiously, and I instantly feel bad for making him worry.

"Is Penny home?" I ask, I have an idea that we've done once or twice, that I'm hoping he'll agree to.

"No, she's working late tonight," Simon tells me, raising an eyebrow curiously. "Why?"

"If you'd be willing, could we do some rope bondage. Not sex or anything, I really just want to be out of control for a while." I look up at him, giving him the puppy dog eyes I know he can't say no to.

"Sure, Baby." He smiles, pressing our lips together, they're chapped and hot, but so undeniably his. He gets up to grab rope, but returns empty handed. "Maybe we should do this in my room." He suggests. I agree, realizing that if anyone walked in to the flat, we'd be the first thing they'd see.

I sit down on Simon's bed, and wait while he finds everything that he wants to use, "You ready to play, Baby?" He asks, his voice low and calming in my ears. I nod and get up off the bed. Simon follows, embraces me, and lifts my shirt up over my head. I rest my head on Simon's shoulder, the kisses he's pressing down my neck are small and delicate, and so incredibly calming. He undoes my jeans and pushes them off my legs, along with my boxers. I step out of them and kick my socks to the side.

I love the freedom of being so vulnerable, I feel so out of control. I let my eyes flutter shut, and don't plan on opening them anytime soon. "You want a blindfold?" He hums thoughtfully.

"No, thanks." I respond in the same quiet tone. Simon starts off,  just like he always does, us both standing and equal with each other. Every time the rope moves I feel small vibrations. I'm always surprised by how comfortable it is, the rope barely ever burns. He starts by pulling my arms in front of my body, and tying my wrists together. The rope that's looped across my upper body is still sitting loose. I'm waiting in anticipation for him to cinch the rope and pull me together. As though he's read my mind, he cinches the rope around me roughly, then turns me around to repeat the same action. He has a firm grip holding me up, which is good, because my legs are starting to feel like liquid. The rougher part of rope, is always my favourite. It's when my head gets one hundred percent quiet.

All I need to be is nice and pliable for Simon, and it's honestly my favourite feeling. He grabs me by the wrists, and lowers me onto the carpeted floor. I'm hyper aware of the way the carpet pricks against my back and legs. I can feel him kneeling between my legs, pulling the rope ends out from under me. As he starts along the inside of my legs, I can feel my cock twitch. I hope he'll ignore it, but I did see him grab a couple vibrators.

Simon slowly wraps the rest of the rope down my legs, tying it off at my ankles. The heaviness in my body, is something that I only ever notice when I'm in my subspace, but I love it. It makes me feel solid and real, I feel so present, and it's amazing. Simon climbs on top of me, and brushes my hair out of my face. I open my eyes for the first time since we started, to see Simon's face only millimetres away from mine.

"Hi." He smiles, and pecks my lips softly.

"Hi?" I giggle back, the smile on my face feels so natural right now, I can't even think of trying to hide it. Right now there's only space for honesty, and it's beautiful. He sits back, pulling me up by the rope on my chest. I let my head lull back, giving him more room to pepper soft kisses over my neck.

Eventually he lowers me back to the ground gently, and gets up off me. I close my eyes again, and just revel in the peace of the moment. A low mechanical humming sound suddenly fills the room, as Simon starts running the tip of a vibrator over my body.

The vibrations start at the base of my neck, and slowly trace down my arm. I can feel my hair  standing up, and goose bumps rising as he continues. He follows the perimeter of my body all the way to my toes, but stops there, not going up the inside of my legs. He tucks two of the toys under the rope on either side of my neck, and pulls me into his lap. I don't know how long we stay like that, Simon's warmth wrapped around me, with soothing vibrations running through my body. We sit in silence just enjoying each other's company, and loving every second of it.

Eventually Simon lifts me off of his lap, and lays me back on the ground. He sits back on his heels at my feet, and starts undoing the rope on my ankles. Every spot he removes rope, he leaves a kiss, slowly working up my body. When he gets to a spot between my legs, he still  continues planting soft kisses on my skin.  Despite how naked I am, it feels so incredibly innocent. His lips work their way up to my neck, with feather like softness. I feel myself come undone without the rope holding me together, and as he turns off the vibrators, I let my eyes open.

As soon as I open my eyes, I'm surprised to feel them well up. Simon lifts me by the shoulders onto his lap, and I curl into him. "You okay, Baby?" He asks gently. I nod, feeling the tears fall down my face, taking the heaviness in my chest with them. I'm never aware when I get into my subspace, but getting out of it is impossible for me to not feel.

"Thank you." I mumble into his neck, still letting my tears run freely. I'm so lucky to have Simon, he lets me be so unbelievably honest with him.  He just presses a kiss to my cheek, and smiles. We stay like that for a while, until I feel completely present. Simon knows that I dissociate a lot coming out of my subspace, so he waits for me, mumbling encouraging things to me that my mind can't really process, until I'm present again.

"You back?" He asks gently, when he feels my demeanour change.

"Yeah, I am," I smile up at him and press my lips against his. "Thank you." I add.

"No need to thank me, you know I love it as much as you do." He responds, as I get up to put on some clothes.
________________________________now is this wholesome or what????? Thanks for reading love ✌🏻vote if you liked it!

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