Uber threesome

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This fic includes: threesome (duh), oral sex (like a lot of it), degradation, edging


Baz and I climb into the Uber, leaving the loud club music behind us as we close the door. We're both a little tipsy, but nowhere close to being drunk. Baz starts making friendly small talk with the driver, but all I can concentrate on is his cold hand resting on my thigh. I swear he keeps moving it higher up. When we get to a stoplight and the driver starts focusing back on the road more, I feel Baz's fingers hovering right over my crotch.

"What are you doing?!" I whisper urgently, but don't move to stop him.

"Shhhh, just shut up" he whispers back.

"No! We're in another person's car" I explain frantically, and to my horror realized I'm getting hard at that idea.

"Yes, which is why you need to be quiet. Okay?" He tells me, I just stare at him in defiant silence, but I do eventually give in and nod my head silently agreeing.

He smirks and opens my fly as soon as the car starts moving again. I can't believe Baz is giving me a handjob in a strangers car. He starts  lazily stroking me, as I watch him pick up his phone. I feel mine buzz in my pocket and I pick it up to see a text from Baz.

Baz: horny bitch

I roll my eyes at him.

Me: says you with your hand in my pants.

Baz: I just wanna make you come :)

As I get the text he spits into his hand and starts picking up the pace.

Me: yeah, but why in a strangers car lol?

Baz: idk but it's making you very easy to excite

Me: How dare you lmao

Our driver clears his throat loudly, and I'm filled with dread. It sounds like the sort of clearing your throat you do when you want to remind people you're there.

Me: stop

I don't really want him to stop, but the idea of getting caught is terrifying.

He squeezes my balls and I have to bite the inside of my cheeks to keep myself from moaning too loud.

Me: seriously, we're gonna get caught.

"I know you're jerking him off" our driver sighs as he continues on the route to our destination. The sudden silence in the car is suffocating. Neither Baz nor I speak or move for a good ten seconds, then Baz moves his hand up and down a couple of times. And because I wasn't expecting it, and because my brain was already too crowded to think, I moan loudly. There are two more seconds of silence before both Baz and the driver burst out into laughter.

"You absolute cunt" I swat Baz's hand away while the other two in the car laugh. The driver pulls to the side of the road to try and ease his unrelenting laughter. I cross my arms annoyed that I'm getting laughed at, and annoyed that I'm probably going to get blue balls. "Bazzz" I whine while trying to discreetly palm myself through my trousers.

"I don't mind if you guys wanna finish up back there, the seats are leather for a reason. You just gotta clean up afterwards... and leave me a good review and tip" our driver shrugs.

"Okay, thanks...?" I trail off looking for a name.

"Kevin" he smiles and I take a moment to actually look at him. His hair is dark and curly, and his eyes are a shade of brown that makes me want to keep staring. He notices my gaze on him and smirks.

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