Chapter 1 I Rather Remain Invisible

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I wrote this while i was half asleep so yea.....If it doesn't make sense then....Don't think too much about it then.

Years Later Age 16

Lilith's POV

"Good morning shortcake!" I sigh as i brush my hair to cover up my left eye.
"I'm not short anymore Roxy! Give me a new nickname already." She chuckles while i sit down to eat breakfast.
"Eh but you're still shortcake to me no matter how tall you get......Well unless you grow taller than me....Hm now that will change things." I chew my food.
"You're 182cm tall! How am i gonna grow taller than that!" She shrugs and i sigh.
"And also I'm 177cm tall ok! That's way taller than average!" I chew my food while she still shrug.
"Sure sure shortcake, but I'm still taller and you still haven't beaten me yet sooo I'm calling you that until you do." I sigh and continue eating.
"Whatever I'll beat you one of these days just you wait!" She chuckles and started eating as well.

"I'm coming in you guys!" I unlock the door to the Itsuka's household since i have the spare keys.
"Hi Lily morning!" I smile and take off my shoes.
"Hey Tori morning to ya too." I pat Kotori head and wave towards Shido.
"Good morning Lilith." I take a seat on the couch and look at the news.
"Hey Shido what ya making for breakfast hmm?" I lean my head back on the couch.
"Didn't you already eat breakfast with your teacher?" I shrug.
"Well i did.....But i have a high metabolism sooo I'm hungry already." I grin and he sighs.
"Fine I'll make some breakfast for you too now wait a bit alright?" I give him a thumbs up and go back to watching the news.
"A spacequake was recorded early this morning near the centre of Tengu City there was only slight damage with no casualties among residents in the area. Investigations continue as to the cause of the spacequake"
"Again? Sounds close too."
"And the relating due location."
"It was." I stare at the tv.
"Hmm this is bad." i mumble to myself.
"You alright Lily?" I nodded and smile towards Kotori as i pat her head.
"It's weird. There's been a lot lately."
"You're telling me......This is happening earlier than planned." I feel like i shouldn't had heard that last part.......It's the enhanced hearing I'm telling you.
"Hold it! No sweets!!" Since when did she have that lollipop in her mouth?
"Seriously?.......Just make sure you eat breakfast okay?" Where's my candy?
"Okay bro i love you" I shrug and tap on my phone.
"Hey Lily? You want some?" I look at Kotori offering me a lollipop.
"Nah.....I just need to keep my eyes open to get some sweetness." I smile at her.
"What do you mean?" I grin and look away.
"Breakfast is ready" Oh sweet.....Wink.

"Oh hey....Got any requests for lunch?"
"Oh yeah! One deluxe kids plate hooray!"
"Uh that's from a diner menu. We don't serve that dish at this restaurant." Haha.
"Ahh! come on? Oh please? Pretty please? with the cherry on top?....It's yummy." I chuckle and eat the food.
"Just surrender Shido.....Just do it. You and i know that we can't say no to her." I smile and shake my head.

"Deluxe kids plate wins! I love eating out for lunch!" We started walking towards school while i tap on my phone.
"It's a diner. Not that exciting."
"yuh-huh thank you soo much bro."
"Okay....So after school I'll be waiting for you right here in front of the restaurant."
"Sounds good."
"And don't break your promise! Be here no matter what happens! Even if the place is taken over by terrorists we'll still eat!"
"If that goes down i doubt they'll let us stay. I'll be here be careful on your way to school." I yawn.
"And you too Lily! You better be here alright?" I nod.
"Don't worry Tori if the diner is taken over by terrorists, I'll make sure to beat them all up just for you!" I give her a thumbs up and a pat on the head.
"Alright you better keep the promise!" I nod and smile.
"Hey isn't that Shido Itsuka?" I tune into the voice.
"Did they seem too close? Cause i heard that he got a weird sister complex."
"That's so lame." I yawn again.
"And is that Lilith Leonie?" I tune into the voices again.
"Did she also seem too close? Cause i heard that she might swing that way." Troublesome.
"That's so lame." I sense someone......Origami Tobiichi?
"Shido you go on ahead without me!" I put away my phone and chase after Origami.
"Hey Origami wait up!" I catch up to her and match her walking speed.
"Hello Lilith".....
"Let's walk together to school okay?" She just keep walking while i try to talk to her again......Sigh.
"So uh how was your uh vacation?" I rub my neck nervously.
"It was fine." Sigh...

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