Chapter 14

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A.......Oh i mean i! I am writing again yayy

Bold: Roxy talking to Lilith in her head Or phone calls.
Bold and italics: Talking into a mic or talking to Shido on his earpiece or talking on Fraxinus.
Bold and underlines: Texting or Lilith's other half talking.
Normal: Just talking in general or in person.
Italics and underlines: Spells names or using magic.

Time: Sunset After Visiting The Hospital
Location: Around the mountain top
Lilith's POV

"I thought i would find you here." I look up and see Roxy, and a woman i don't know......Wait isn't that woman from the picture Roxy showed me?
"Did i worry you?......Sorry."
"Don't worry about it Lil Shortcake." She pat my head.
"......I don't know what to do......."
"You know that i am always ready to listen to any of your problems." I nod.
"Oh yeah before that, this is Selena Winter's.....My wife." She's real!
"I didn't think that you're actually real." Selena chuckles while Roxy smacks me.
"She is right Shadow." Shadow?
"She likes calling me Shadow because i like using shadow magic."
"And also because you're my partner in crime." These two are really close with each other.
"That too....Yeah anyway you wanna continue, Lilith?" I slowly nod.
"It just......Origami is...." Roxy nods in understanding.
"She's out for revenge huh?"
"I can't stop her......Because i myself don't know who actually killed her parents."
"And i already told you that i was more worried about you then looking at who the Spirits are."
"......Yeah that's why i know that Kotori wasn't the one who did it......There were two of them."
"There's a chance that it might be her."
"No there isn't.....She was stuck crying."
"Did it happen on the same day?"
"I don't remember.......Maybe?"
"Then not only did you got third degree burn......You also got knocked back by a force that slammed you into a wall......Leaving you with a lot of broken bones." I hold my left arm......The hand that i tried to push through the fire.
"So what are you planning on doing?" I look at the City.
"Just keep trying to help her understand i guess.....What else can i do?"
".....I don't want to ask you this, but i have to." I look at Roxy.
"If Origami tries to kill Kotori.....Can you stop her?"
"Of course i can......I like her....No i love Origami but she isn't thinking clearly, and as her girlfriend and childhood friend i will stop her......And Kotori is-"
"You like her as well." I slowly nod.
"I know that I'm not supposed to have feelings for more than one per-"
"You can't control who you fall in love with.....It just happens." I stare at Roxy as she pull out her phone to show me another picture.
"After all i married two beautiful womans who are really important to me, and well you know."
"I don't know."
"I'm also engaged to someone else right now."
"Say what now? You're gonna get three wives?!"
"Yup, but she is still postponing our wedding." I blink multiple times.
"Shadow is engaged to the commander.....She actually have feelings for the commander for years now."
"No way! I thought you were scared of her!"
"I am scared of her......She is terrifying."
"Seriously?" They both nods.
"You too?" Selena nods.
".....I don't know what to do.....I'm pretty sure she likes Shido so I'm just gonna give up."
"Don't give up! You don't know that she doesn't have feelings for you!"
"Oh come on......She shouted about how siblings can't even marry each other."
"You'll never know." I nod.
"Wanna come back now? Selena made dinner."
"Oh uh."
"She's a great cook."
"Shadow! I'm not that great of a cook!"
"Well you're not as great as Karla but still!"
"I'll take that as a compliment." I smile at them.
"Then let's go." We all walk towards Roxy's house.

Time: Night
Location: Fraxinus
Lilith's POV

"Shido is taking Kotori to Ocean Park?"
"That's the water and amusement park, right?"
"That's right. Everyone agreed it would be the best place for your date with Kotori the day after tomorrow."
"Absolutely! It's the perfect opportunity to feast your eyes upon our commander's glamorous figure, which is youthful and yet risque a trait that's most pronounced in a girl her age!" I smack him down to the ground.
"Uh could you keep stuff like that to yourself?" I kick the second in command again while he's on the ground.
"Uh Lilith don't kill him." I kick him again.
"That's the plan, Shido!" Shido tries to hold me back.
"Let me at him! I ain't letting him talk about Kotori's body like that! Only- i mean no one can except for her lover!"
"Ahem anyways. Shin, one other thing. I've prepared some preliminary training for this mission."
"I'll do it. If it's to save Kotori, I'll do anything!"
"Same here! I would even tear down the AST and the DEM bases down if it's for her!.....Well i mean you know cause she's uh my friend yeah!" I rub my neck nervously and run off.
"Anyways I'll go to sleep now so I'll see you guys later!" I duck that up!

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