Chapter 13 I Am In Pain!

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Hello hello is this thing on? Alright so, people been saying that they don't know who is talking and all that soooo......Yeah just read what i did, because i don't know how else!

Bold: Roxy talking to Lilith in her head Or phone calls.
Bold and italics: Talking into a mic or talking to Shido on his earpiece or talking on Fraxinus.
Bold and underlines: Texting or Lilith's other half talking.
Normal: Just talking in general or in person.
Italics and underlines: Spells names or using magic.

Location: On Fraxinus
Time: Unknown
Lilith's POV

"What's this? You want to save her?" Is that Yoshinon talking?....The voice sounds like her
"Please, doctor." And i think that's Yoshino's voice.....
"Alright, lemme handle this!" What is that puppet planning on doing?
"Just so you two know.....I don't like needles so please don't hold one." Really don't like them.
"Go-Good morning." I think i might had scared Yoshino.
"Morning Yoshino, Yoshinon."
"Lilith!" Oh Shido?
"Heyy Shido! What time is it?" My head hurts.
"It's morning." Is it?
"What day is it." That's me speaking.
"We're on leave from school." Yay.
"What year is it?" Gotta make sure.
"It's the same year you passed out." Oh good i didn't miss my birthday.
"Did i miss breakfast?" I am a bit hungry.
"I can get you some." I nod my head.
"How many get well presents did i get?" I shake my head, cause my vision is still blurry.
"None.....Why you ask?" Ah sucks. Why is Shido looking stress?
"Just curious.......So where's Kotori?" Wait Kotori!
"She's......" What happened.....Shido looks more stressed out.
"I see you've come to, Lilith." Is that Reine's voice I'm hearing? And she's looking tired as always.
"Oh hey Reine.....Looking fine as always."
"Man, what a surprise! You got up so suddenly!" And Yoshinon is back and so is Yoshino.
"I'm sorry for surprising you." Yoshino is looking down with a sad face, and i pat her head.
"Aww don't worry about it, Yoshino." I continue to pat her head.
"So Reine what happened after i was knocked out?" I touch my face.....Oh good the mask is still on.
"Once the battle with Tokisaki Kurumi was over, we bought you here as you were unconscious." I see.
"So what's the situation?"
"You're strangely calm about all this." I shrug, and deactivate my mask.
"I guess you could say.....I'm used to it? So is Kurumi alive?"
"She disappeared after you were knocked unconscious."
"What about Kotori?"
"......Tobiichi Origami and Takamiya Mana were recovered by the AST."
"I know that they are fine because i made sure that they were in a safe place, away from the battle, but what about Kotori?"
"I'll show you where she is at." I stand up slowly.

"While we're here, she cannot hear us." I see.
"Shido? Did you go in already?" He nods.
"Oh so i don't get the juicy details?"
"You'll find out on your own." I pout and put my arms behind my head.

" I pout and put my arms behind my head

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"You're on your own from here." I give Reine a thumbs up and walk in.
"Oh, if it isn't Lilith.....I see you've come to."
"Hey there Tori......Why are you keeping yourself lock in here?" I take a seat down in front of her.
"Just felt like it."
"Ah....That's nice.....Soo wanna tell me what you are?" I already know, but i want her to say it herself.
"I'm your adorable childhood friend." I chuckle.
"You're not wrong there. You are very cute, but you already know that without me confirming it." I smile at her.
"I'm sure you're-" I cut her off.
"You're a Spirit and specifically a fire Spirit, but you were born a human.....Well if i were to say it in short you're a human with Spirit's powers."
"How did you?" I sigh and rustle up my hair.
"I was there when it happened." I stare at her.
"But....You-" I pull off my hoodie and roll up my left sleeve.
"Do you see this? I was trying to push through that fire that you couldn't control."
"You were....There?" I pull my sleeve down and put on my hoodie again.
"Just because i don't seem like i care.....I care about you more than myself." I poke her nose.
"Lily come over here for a second." I look at where she is pointing at and it is exactly the range where she could kick me.
"How strong is your leg? Cause i have a pretty hard stomach so i don't wanna accidentally break your leg."
"I can heal remember?"
"Oh right.....Okay then." I walk in front of Kotori and brace myself.
"Oof you have a strong kick right there."
"Ow ow ow ow what is your stomach made of?!"
"Well.....It's made of a very well built muscles that were trained to the highest peak." I pull up my hoodie and sweater.
"See.....I am so fit i know." She punch me in my stomach.
"Mmm yes that is quite a strong right hook or was that a right uppercut?"
"Owww." I sweat drop.
"I told you already......My stomach is trained to it's peak."
"Now that we clear that up.....I'm sure you and Shido already made plans to go on a date so that he can seal your powers.....So I'll try to keep Tohka and Yoshino distracted." I wave her off and walk out of there.
"By the way, Kotori? You can control your powers.....Just don't be afraid of it." I continue to walk away until she stops me.
"Wait Lily!" I wait for her to say something.
"I......Never mind don't worry about it." I nod and walk away again......Have fun on your 'date' Shido, Kotori.
"Someone's jealous!!!"
"You finally decided to show up huh?"
"I was busy with the girls.....And the commander......"
"I feel like i shouldn't ask."
"I would like to forget it if i could."
"Sounds scary."
"The commander is scary."
"Ah.....Alright then.....So what now?"
"Just keep the others distracted while Shido go seal Kotori Spirit powers."
"I see...."
"Just so you know......You can do it too."
"I know......But i don't wanna."
"Aww you don't wanna kiss your crush?"
"I don't have a crush on Kotori!!"
"I never said anything about it being Kotori."
".......You're annoying."
"Love ya too dear daughter of mine."
".......Thanks mom."
"Aww my heart."
"Lilith there are some things we need to discuss with you and Shido." I follow after Reine.
"Two more days. Kotori can probably only withstand having her spiritual energy for two more days."
"It's that bad huh?"
"What do you mean?!"
"After that last day, Kotori....May never again be the girl you've known. In two days, on June 11th, you will go on a date with Kotori."
"That will be our last chance to save her."
"I'll keep Tohka and Yoshino distracted while you go on that date alright?" I pat Shido back and walk away.
"Good luck Shido." I wave at him while walking away.

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