Season Two Chapter 2

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Hi hi

Bold: Roxy talking to Lilith in her head Or phone calls.
Bold and italics: Talking into a mic or talking to Shido on his earpiece or talking on Fraxinus.
Bold and underlines: Texting or Lilith's other half talking.
Normal: Just talking in general or in person.
Italics and underlines: Spells names or using magic.

Song of the day: Reckless By Jaxson Gamble

Time: Afternoon?
Location: Arubi Island
Lilith's POV

"Not bad, Yuzuru. I suppose i can say, as expected of my other half. However, that will come to an end today."
"Rebuttal. I am the one with the upper hand on our 100th battle, not you Kaguya."
"Ha, you prattle. Why don't you admit that i am the most suitable Spirit to be Yamai?"
"Negative. I am the one who will survive. The name Yamai does not suit you."
"What useless struggling. My future devil sight can see it already." I nom on come chips.
"I see a vision of you stabbed and pierced through with my Sturm Lanze!"
"Point. Your devil sight has never been correct."
"Sh-Shut up! It has been right before! And don't make fun of me!" I continue to chew on the chips.....This is getting good.
"Shin, can you hear me?"
"Reine-san?" Oh Reine?
"Yeah. I finally got through. Where in the world are you right now?"
"Demand. I ask that you, Kaguya, provide an explanation of the Sturm Lanze."
"Ha, there's nothing that can bind my Sturm Lanze to reason. Tangible yet intangible. Visible yet invisible. Only specializing in the concept of stabbing and piercing....."
"Summary. In other words, it is meaningless." I like her......Yuzuru? Yeah Yuzuru.
"That's not true! And it is too meaningful! You're just stupid for not understanding!"
"Scorn. Sturm Lanze, LOL. Ha."
"D-Don't laugh! T-To compensate for making me angry, you must pay with that body of yours!"
"Yuri." I mumbled.
"We'll be caught up in their fight at this rate!"
"Sink into darkness!"
"Charge. Hiya--!"
"Wait!!" Oh Shido.
"Woah ladies let's not fight." I stand next to Shido just incase.
"A human?"
"Wonder. I cannot suppress my surprise."
"What is your intention in bringing an interruption to our sacred duel? Depending in your answer, my.....Uh....Scahtten Lanze will stab and pierce you."
"Point. The name is different from earlier."
"Who cares? Be quiet, Yuzuru!"
"Doubt. I do not understand why i must be quiet."
"At this rate, i will never be satisfied."
"Why are you two fighting?" I step up.
"We were about to do our 100th battle until you two interrupted us......Yeah. I have hit upon a good idea, Yuzuru."
"Question. What is it, Kaguya?"
"You and i have had many contests. So far, we have had 25 wins each and 49 draws. We are running out of events to compete in. However, there is still one thing we have not yet determined a winner for, isn't there?"
"Doubt. What's that?"
"Something we have not yet determined a winner for yet--in other words, attractiveness! The true Spirit, the hurricane child Yamai, should possess a charm that makes all of creation jealous, don't you think?"
"Reply. I believe i understand what you mean. It is true that we have not yet competed in that."
"Yuzuru, do you have the courage to take on this match? The winner is obvious, though."
"Negative. There is no reason for Kaguya to win. I, Yuzuru, am cuter. Frankly, your looks are just middling."
"What was that?! Anyway, this will be our final duel. Whoever gets this man first will be the winner." I think Kaguya? Points at Shido as i pat his back.
"Good luck my brother." I salute him.
"Wait, Lilith!" I salute him and walk towards where the others are.

"Oh, hey.....Origami....."
"Hi babe." I wave at Origami.
"Where were you?" I rub my neck.
"Stuff happened?" She pulls on my arm.
"Aye aye I'll explain I'll explain!" I continue to get drag by Origami.
"Good luck Shido!!"
"Wait, Lilith! I need your help!"
"Can't! About to be murdered now bye!"
"Good luck!!"

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