Chapter 2......I Am So Done

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I wrote this while also half asleep as well......Yea i don't sleep that much.

Lilith's POV
Night Time

"You.....Passed out when you encountered the spirit known as the Princess?" I nod while eating dinner.
"Pff.....How?" I continue eating trying to avoid answering.
"I was caught off guard......" I look up from my plate of food, and i see Roxy giving me the 'Cut the bs already' face.
"Fine fine.......I was distracted." She chuckles and smirk.
"More like staring at a certain someone." I look away and rub my neck nervously.
"I........Whatever." I go back to eating while Roxy chuckles.

"Are you gonna give me more information on this spirit or no?" We finished eating dinner so now we're discussing the plan.
"I already told you everything i know about her.......What else do you want me to say?" I tap my chin in thought.
"How do we beat her.....Actually how does Shido come in?" Roxy push a folder towards me and i pick it up to read through it.
"Shido Itsuka birth parents unknown, adopted at a young age. Kotori Itsuka commander of Fraxinus." I already read all of this.
"Roxy i already read all of thi-" she points to the new paper and i read it.
"......You're kidding me?" She shakes her head and i sigh.
"You're telling me that Shido.....The guy who doesn't interact with girls besides Tori and i is gonna have to go on dates with spirits and win their hearts?" She nods and i bang my head.
"Isn't there anyone else?" She stares at me.
"Oh great! We're doom! Our only hope is Shido!" I rest my head on the table we're having the discussion at.
"Aw don't be mean to lil Shido.....He's still growing." I sigh deeply.
"And how are they gonna train him?" Roxy whistles.
"Roxy.......How?" She snickers and i don't know if i wanna know anymore.
"They're gonna give him a dating simulator game." I bang my head again.
"Yup we're doom......Time to check my bucket list for things i wanna do."
"Aww come on Shortcake! There's some dating sims that actually works!" I stare at her blankly.
"Name one dating sim that actually have good advice." She pulls out her phone and open up a game.
"PUA? The Pickup Artist Story?......What the heck is this?!" I bang my head again.
"Well the characters are straight, but! It does gives you good advice on what to say and what not to say to the girls, and when you pick the wrong answer there's someone telling you why it's bad." I pick up the game and stare at Roxy and the game.
"You're kidding me?.....Seriously?" She nods and i sigh.
"You know what.....Fine I'll believe you." She grins at me......I know that look in her eyes.
"What?.......No I'm not gonna play it!" She continues to grin.
"You and i both know that you need some polishing up on your flirting skills." I sigh.
"You know what? Fine I'll play it for a bit!"
"Oh yeah! Give me your S.A.M.P.T for a few minutes. I'm gonna upgrade it." I pass her my phone.
"What are you putting in the upgrade?"
"A tracking device that can warn you about incoming spacequake, and warn you of strong spirit energy." I nod along as i watch her tinker with my phone.
"So by the way Shortcake.....How is your progress with Origami?" I sigh.
"She doesn't really pay attention to me." I lean my head on the chair.
"You just have to keep trying Shortcake! She'll eventually notice you." I sigh and lay my head on the table.
".....Why does she even pay attention to Shido? I mean don't get me wrong Shido's a great guy and all, but really though.....Why him?" I lift my head up and look at Roxy.
"Why?.....Hmm why indeed."
"You know why don't you?"
"Maybe i do maybe i don't who knows?"
"Can't you just tell me?"
"You have to figure it out yourself." Sighs.
"Hey Roxy?" I look towards Roxy.
"Hmm? Wassup?" I take deep breaths.
"Please what?"
"Please help me understand why."
"Go play the game and you'll eventually understand why." I sigh.
"Hey Roxy?"
"Hmm mmm?"
"I.....Never mind forget about it. I'm gonna go to bed now.....See you later Roxy." I stand up to go upstairs to my room.
"Don't give up on trying Shortcake." I look back towards Roxy.
"Thanks......Goodnight Roxy." I give her a small smile and i go upstairs.
"Night Shortcake."

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