Chapter Ova 1

379 14 1

Pop a few cola pop candy!

Bold: Roxy talking to Lilith in her head Or phone calls.
Bold and italics: Talking into a mic or talking to Shido on his earpiece or talking on Fraxinus.
Bold and underlines: Texting, or Lilith's other half talking.
Normal: Just talking in general or in person.
Italics and underlines: Spells names or using magic.


Location: Around A Park
Time: Morning
Lilith's POV

"Hi there, Lilith-san.".......Kurumi?!
"Oh hey there, Kurumi-san.....Are you on business or pleasure visit?" She chuckles.
"I'm on pleasure visit."
"So mind telling me why you're here in front of me?"
"Well of course it's so that you can take me on a date."
"A date? Wouldn't you want to go on a date with Shido instead?"
"Oh no......You're much more interesting than, Shido-san."
"Uh huh......Just so we're clear.....I prefer not getting my energy absorbed or getting stab or shot."
"Sure thing, but i can't make any promises."
"I guess that's good enough....." I shrug.
"So where do you wanna go?"
"I'll follow you."
"Ahh so I'm guy in this situation then."
"Well.....You could say that." That smile sends shivers down my spine.
"How does the Arcade sound?" She nods and we walk towards an Arcade.
"So why did you decided to appear in front of me?"
"For the date of course."
"I mean why now exactly?"
"Well you are off school and besides.....I don't see why not."
"Well alright then.....We're here." I open the door for her.
"Oh my such a gentleman."
"Well gentlewoman but close enough."
"Is that so?"
"Well you get first pick over what game."
"First pick?"
"Well yeah since i choose the place it's your turn to choose."
"Ara, ara, so i can choose the first game?"
"Yup anything in here that can be played is yours for picking."
"Then let's do that first." She points at a photo booth.
"That's not a game, but if you really want to then sure let's do that first."
"Much obliged, Lilith-san."
"Shall we then?" I walk towards the photo booth with Kurumi.
"Let's take a picture together, Lilith-san."
"Sure i don't mind." We get in the photo booth and start it up.
"What kind of pose do you wanna do, Kurumi-san?" She stares at me.....Sitting close to me.
"Like this."......Ohhh.
"Look into each other eyes?" She nods.
"Alright sure i don't mind."
"Alright ready?" She nods and i start the timer.
"So what's next?" She cling onto my arm.
"Have you hold my arm? Sure i don't mind."
"You sure are calm about all this." I smile and poke her nose as the camera takes the picture.
"Well if you wanted to kill me, stab me, absorb me, you would had done so already. So that's why I'm calm.
"Is that so?"
"Yup. Now we have one more chance what position would you like-" She kiss my cheek as the camera takes the picture.
"Now what should we do next?" I touch my cheek as i chuckle and shake my head.
"How about you show me how good you actually are at a shooting game?" I take her hand and pull her towards a shooting game.
"Oh my, a shooting game? Now what is this one about?"
"It's a shooting game that you can either work together with another player or versus against them to see who can get the highest score."
"Is that so?"
"Do you wanna play together or against each other?"
"Hmm.....I am interested to see how good you are so let's go against each other."
"Sounds good." I swipe the game card to play the game......What? I come to this Arcade a lot okay!
"Do you know how to reload and stuff?" She shakes her head and i show her how to reload and hide when you run out of ammo.
"You got all that?" She nods and i start up the game.
"Winner get the loser to do something for them."
"Ara, ara, sure thing.....I can't wait to get you to do something for me." We'll see......
"What's this? You want me to win this game for you? Now.....What will i get?"
"Oh i get to be out for the rest of the day? Sounds fun.....Deal." I switch control with my other personality.
"Ready?.....Start!" I smirk and shoot all the enemies down quickly and reload with quick precision.

"Oh my, i didn't know that you were that good with a gun, Lilith-san." We finished clearing the game and we walk around the Arcade.
"Well you were pretty good yourself, Kurumi-san."
"Why thank you."
"So what game do you wanna play next?" She suddenly stops walking in front of a claw machine.
"You want that?" It's a stuffed panda.....
"Oh no it's fine." I swipe the card and look at the stuffed panda trying to find one that is possible to grab.
"Found one.....Hold on I'll get this." I do a test run to see if the claw is strong enough to pick it up.
"Yup i can get this." I try again and get it the second try.
"Here you go one stuffed panda for the lady." I hold it towards Kurumi and she smile for real.....Or was that my imagination?
"Thank you, Lilith-san." I rub my neck nervously.
"Nah don't worry about it.....So where else do you wanna go?"
"You can choose, Lilith-san." I think....
"Wanna go rest at a cafe? I know a place that have some good food and desserts."
"Sure lead the way." I take her free hand and walk towards the cafe with her.

"Welcome what would you like to order?"
"Hmm......One strawberry cake, and one iced cappuccino. How about you Kurumi-san?"
"I'll have the chocolate cake and the iced honey lemon tea."
"Will that be all?" We nod and the waiter writes down our orders.
"It will be ready in a few minutes." We nod.
"So Kurumi-san.....Why did you want to go on a date with me?"
"Well.....Am i not allowed to?"
"Well you are, but why me exactly?"
"You're a lovely and interesting person, Lilith-san."
"Ah.....So how did you find me?"
"Hmm.....You're easy to spot."
"Am i?"
"Yes. With your black and yellow colored hoodie and your ash brown hair, it was easy to spot someone like you."
"Ah......I see."
"So what do you want to ask me to do?" Hmm.
"Well how about-"
"Sorry for the wait here your orders." I got cut off by the waiter.....Oh well.
"Thank you."
"Enjoy your meal." We nod and started eating and chatting with each other.
"Here say ahh, Lilith-san." I look at the fork Kurumi is holding at my mouth.
"Well alright then...." I open my mouth and eat it.
"Mm it's good. Here try some of mine." I pick up a piece of my cake with my fork and hold it at her mouth.
"Ara, don't mind if i do." She eats it.....But somehow it's very seductive and hot.
"Mmm that was lovely." I blush a bit but calm myself down.
"Want some more?" We feed each other every now and then.

"Where to next?" We finished eating and drinking so we are deciding where to go next.
"Let's go up to a rooftop, Lilith-san." She likes roof doesn't she?
"Sure i know a place." I take her hand again and walk towards a building and go up the roof.
"So why did you want to go on the roof?"
"It was nice going on this date with you, Lilith-san."
"I'm glad to hear that."
"I must go now......But before that I'll listen to what you want me to do first." I look at Kurumi as she is in her Astral Dress.
".......Two things. One call me Lilith no san, and secondly......Let's go on a date again, Kurumi." I smile at her.
"......Sure, but close your eyes first."
"Eh why?"
"Just do it."
"Well alright......" I close my eyes.
"You trust me so easily, Lilith......." Wait!
"Kurumi what are you planning?" I try opening my eyes but she keeps it close by covering it with her hands.
"I can now absorb you.......Just kidding!"
"I'm just messing with you.....I'll do that after i absorb, Shido-san." She whispers to me.
"Oh and it's also because i quite enjoyed our date......Lilith." I feel something touching my lips.
"Wait Kurumi did you just?" She uncover my eyes and walk away from me towards the edge of the roof.
"Hehe......I'll see you again, Lilith." She disappears and i shake my head......Damn that woman is gonna give me a heart attack one of these days.....


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