Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 - Pain


He shut his eyes in anguish as he slowly stood up, carrying himself with his weak legs. Izuku breathed in and out heavily, catching all of his breath back. He can't stand it, it was too painful and he knows what Kacchan will do to her. He doesn't want that.

He furrowed his brows with his bloodshot eyes staring at the ground.

"I'll kill him." He muttered under his breath. "I'll kill him!"

His head then looked straight up at the sky with his hands both on the sides of his head. His eyes widened and his mouth gaped, without any words coming out.

It lasted a few seconds, until he started laughing to himself.

His inner psychopathic self is beginning to be shown as tears started to come out of his eyes. His laugh was a breathing laugh because of all the sobbing he's making.

Izuku's malicious smile, laughter and cries makes him have the urge to kill someone again.

"I'll kill him!" He shouted in the quiet, cold, dark air.

Without Ochako, he's going insane again.

"I'll fucking kill him." He said it softer as he started pulling his hair hard, smiling widely to the night sky.

His breathing came back to normal as he let go of his hair, leaving it messed up. Tears dried up, making his eyes left swollen. His bleeding palms grabbed his phone in his pocket and began to dial someone.

His mind is already full of Ochakos and what will happen to her. It makes him so angry, he couldn't control himself anymore. Everything seemed to be out of place and Izuku is falling apart without her.

He wants to see the face of the person, who touched Ochako, suffer infront of his eyes.

After contacting him, the person answered.

"Hey, Deku! It's been a while since you cal-"

"Do something for me."

The person on the other line, shivered from the voice Izuku made. It gave him the aura of someone threatening you as they placed the tip of the sharp knife at your chest. It gave him chills all the way to the spine as fear begin to fill in him.

The person immediately answered back. "Okay, tell me what to do."

After talking to the guy, Izuku arrived back home as quickly as he can. He opened the door and looked around the quiet place.

He spoke as he went inside. "Dolly, I'm home! Are you here?"

No response.

He gave off a smile in his face and began chuckling. Tears formed in his eyes as he walked upstairs. "It is true, you're really not here."

He smiled sadly after that and looked up from the stairs. "Don't worry, I'll get you home soon, my sweet Ochako."

As he slowly walked upstairs, he went to the room full of the dead bodies of the victims. He took out the key from his pocket and unlocked it. When he entered, he stepped on all the spoiled and rotten blood and small parts on the floor, making squelching sounds in the room.

"Ah~ I need to clean this place when Ochako gets home. I don't think she'll like the smell." He said as he opened the drawer.

"Now, now, let's go for this, shall we?"

His horrendous eyes were staring at the knife in his hand. "I'll give you the best death of your life."

He whispered under his breath. "Just you wait."

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