My Pirate Part 4

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I am very very sorry, if the picture isn't... Accurate...


And as you can see in the last chapter-part, I raged and sweared there. So I promise, well maybe... That I won't swear anymore. (I'll try!!!)

But, still, credits on Hannah_that1fangirl, and for ErikaEvangeline, for making me inspired, to make these parts, and this book!

But anyways, without further ado, let's get started! Cuz I don't want to keep you waiting... :/

Anyways, enjoy!

|Third person|

After Prussia begged mercy from Arthur, he went to his room, got a book, which seems to be his diary, and write on it.

Dear Diary,

As zhe awesome Gilbert I am, I just have trick zhat loser Arthur! Cause I am so awesome! Vell, for zhe name, I know it is dumb... But atleast it is not dumb zhan zhe awesome Gilbert's! By zhe vay, I AM AWESOME!

Yours truly,
- Zhe Awesome Gilbert

"Kesesesesesese! Zhat stupid Arthur vill never beat zhe awesome Gilbert! Zhat guy can't even tell a fake defeat!" The albino assured. Closing his book.

"Captain Gilbert, sir. What are we gonna do with the boy?" A man with blonde hair, which stays up pointing in the air, asked.

"Zhe boy zhat vas kept as prisoner? Hmm..." The albino then thought for a moment, on what to do with him. He then thought of a brilliant idea. "Ve'll keep him! Zhat boy is much more useful zhan I thought he vould be... But ve vill use him, to trap zhat stupid Arthur, and blackmail him to give us zhe goods..." The albino stated. Then an evil grin made it to his face.

"Yes, sir. But do you want us to do something about him, sir?" The blonde asked.

"Hmm... Just don't let him escape. But maybe..." The albino trailed off. Turning his slightly evil grin, wider. "Maybe ve can bribe him..." Said albino, as he put his hand, on his chin, grinning widely. The blonde then nods, and left the room


It was then the time, Arthur and the others, planned to save Alfred. He just doesn't know why he fell for that... Twat! He thought that he should've not let him go...

"Alright! We need to search for the ship first, and sneak in at 9 pm. Make sure that you rest early for the mission. Antonio and Kiku, you will wait for us in a small boat, alright? So don't get distracted, and be attentive, alright?" Arthur asked. Then facing at Antonio and Kiku. Both of them nodded into agreement.

After they get some things, and preparing them, it was finally 9 pm. They looked for the ship of Gilbert, and prepared the small wooden boat. Everyone, except Antonio and Kiku, quietly got off the boat, and grabbed the ropes with hooks they prepared earlier, and threw it at the edge of the ship. After they climbed up, they huffed.

"Alright. We'll go on seperate ways okay?" Arthur instructed firmly. Then, they went to different paths of the ship.

A few minutes, which turned to hours later, they didn't think that the ship could be... Huge! They were now lost, and went to different paths again, which lead them even furthur to eachother. Not knowing, that this was the plan, of a certain albino... Now they really started to panic.

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