Troublemaking Student

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This will be short, so I'm sorry if it is. .-.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy! ^^

|Third Person|

Ah yes. The typical gakuen story. Alfred was always the troublemaker, right? Well, maybe in some stories, but in this one, it's Arthur.

Arthur Kirkland. A very smart student indeed, but got corrupted, as he went into the bad side. He became, a punk. With society's doing, he decided to... beat other kids, and having failing grades. Cliché, I know. But of course, he would never smoke. He's not dumb. It may be tempting, but he didn't want to have lung cancer.

And yes, we don't want to forget his teacher, now do we? Alfred F. Jones. A very nice, yet smart person indeed. He always watches, well, 'babysits' Arthur. Every place that Arthur goes, he goes as well. Well, at school only. He was assigned to watch Arthur, and try to change him. You see, Alfred was a very smart, and good student as well. He decided to drop out from high school, and study high class. He applied for a job as a teacher, and here he is now.


"Arthur!" Alfred called out for his name. As he lost the troublemaking Brit.

Uuugh. Where is he now? I swear, that kid though... I mean, he's two years younger than me, but still... Alfred thought irritatedly, as he walked through the school hallway.

He kept on calling Arthur's name, until, he saw him beat up another student. Yes, just another day for Mr. Jones. Alfred sighed, and decided to walk up from behind. He touched Arthur's shoulders, and gripped on it. Making Arthur flinch.

"Arthur..." Alfred said sternly. Trying to smile like always, but his smile looking fake, and forced.

Arthur rolled his eyes, and sighed. "What is it this time, Alfred?" Arthur asked. Dropping the student down, and putting his right hand on his hip. His face was beated up slightly; bruises on hus arms, and only one on his cheek.

Alfred barely contain his anger; but luckily, he did.

"You can call me Mr. Jones, Arthur. Now please, stop harrassing this student," Alfred replied firmly. Arthur made a 'tch' noise, and walked away, muttering something.

That kid, I swear! Alfred thought, as he glared daggers at the Brit. He sighed, and helped the student up. The boy was a short Asian student, who has black hair, and yellow/copper coloured eyes. His skin tone pale like Arthur's and filled with bruises, and a black eye on his, eye.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Jones!" The beated up kid said. Holding to Alfred's hand, as he was pulled up.

"You're welcome, Kiku. I'll tell your teacher what happened. But please go to the infirmary, okay?" Alfred requested. And Kiku nodded in response. Giving out a sigh of relief. Alfred smiled at the student, and ran to Arthur once again.

Alfred finally found Arthur, and pinched his nose slightly. "What did I tell you about hurting other students?" Alfred asked sternly. Arthur pushing him off, and rubbed his nose.

"Ugh, it's not good for me, and for them, blah blah blah," Arthur responded, and mocked Alfred.

"You know that isn't polite to say to your elders, you know?" Alfred placed both of his hands on his hips, and scolded Arthur.

"You're not my boss, and plus,your 19! I'm 17. So which means, you're not an elder. And which means, you also dropped out of school for other unnecessary things," Arthur replied stubbornly, and crossed his arms, while looking away.

"Well, you have a point. But I'm your teacher, and I dropped out for doing NECESSARY stuff, than hurting other people."

"Tch. Whatever."

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