Death Of A Hero

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Uh, so for this oneshot, it will have no picture. I don't want to put some picture showing England standing in front of America's grave! Plus, I don't think there are any pictures of that-

And, this oneshot will be probably short, so I hope you understand. And also, pardon for any mistakes I have made in this oneshot. Please correct me, if there are any.

But anyways, I have nothing to say, so without further ado, you may now start reading. Enjoy!

|England's POV|

It has been three months, since America's confession to me. For over those days, we have been in many dates. He has been so nice to me. He is very much a nice, charming, and a good lover for me. I adore him so much! But... Not until to that day...

"Good morning, Iggy~" America greeted me with a seductive tone.

I chuckled. "America, you know you don't have to do that every morning." I smiled softly at him. As he then kissed me in the cheek, and hugged me from behind.

"Aww. But I want to make your day a happy start, Iggy~ I want to make you happy all the time~"

I chuckled. "Alright. You can do whatever." I replied. America still hugging me from behind.

"Anyways, I'll make breakfast for us, alright? That's what a hero always do!" America said cheerfully. His enthusiastic self appearing. Which I always think of charming.

I chuckled. "Alright." I replied with a smile. Continuing on reading my book, and sipping my tea.

Then, America called out. "England! We don't have enough eggs!"

"Really? What are you gonna make eggs for? Sunny side up eggs?"

America came to me. "Uh, actually, no. I'm gonna make pancakes for us!"

"Hm, alright. Let's get ready though." I said. Smiling at him, and closing my book, and placed it on the coffee table.

"Hm? Get ready for what?" America asked. Tilting his head. Oh that idiot. How'd I fall in love with him again? Either way, I still love him

I facepalmed. "We need to get ready, so we can go to the mall, and buy eggs!" I explained. Using my hands to help.

"Oh alright!" America replied cheerfully.

That git... I thought. As I was smiling, while I went upstairs, to go to the bedroom, to prepare our clothes.

After preparing, I went to the bathroom, just to find America, sitting on the bathtub. I blushed thinking of... Other things in my mind. Then, the enthusiastic American called out to me.

"Iggy! C'mon! Join me!"

I blushed hardly. Telling America not to look, as I strip off my clothes, and went in the bathtub. After a lot of water splashing on the floor, and after we cleaned ourselves, we finally grabbed a towel, and cover ourselves with it, while we drained the water from the bathtub. God. Finally that was over... We then went to our room, and put our clothes on. We then went downstairs, and went towarss the car, and drove off. When we arrived, Amedica parked it. We then walked on the pedestrian lane, and walked in the mall.

In the mall, we ended up actually buying a lot of things, thanks to this yank. But I never knew it will be our last day together...

After we bought the things we "needed", we finally went outside the mall, and walked on the pedestrian lane. After walking, we grabbed the things we bought, and placed it in our car. Then, we drove off. While America was driving, our tires suddenly went flat. We both got off, and America searched in the trunk, if we have any supplies for the flat tire. But he couldn't find any.

"Bummer..." America mumbled.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I can't find any extra tires, or any supplies for this!" America exclaimed. Panic slightly shown in his voice.

"Oh..." was all I said. But inside, I was panicking too.

"But don't worry! I'll find a way, Iggy! I am a hero after all!" America exclaimed happily.

I chuckled softly. Then said, "Alright."

Then, after hours and hours of finding a solution, America saw a guy pointing a gun at me.

"England, watch out!" America exclaimed.

I turned around, seeing the man. But then, when he pulled the trigger, America quickly pulled me, and put me behind him. He took the bullet, just for me. I then heard the man saying, "Oh shit!". And ran off.

I was just there. Shocked. Kneeling beside his shot down body. He looked at me, and I looked at him. He was still smiling. Then I heard him say,

"I love you England..."

Those four words made me break down into tears. It made me shout 'help' for a couple of times. Until someone found us, and called the ambulance.

The ambulance came. They quickly grabbed his body, and placed him on a stretcher. I hopped on the ambulance, nd held his hand. Hoping he will live. When we arrived at the hospital, we fast walked, or maybe ran towards the emergency room. I was just outside, waiting, sitting, and crying. After that, the doctor came out.

"Doc! H-how is he?!" I asked. Panic in my voice.

"I'm very sorry sir. He couldn't make it. The bullet was in his heart, and he just lost too much blood. I'm very sorry for your loss." The doctor stated sadly. I then nodded, and went home, late at night. Crying on our bed, alone. I then scheduled the funeral. In the day of the funeral, France, Canada, Kiku, and the others arrived. After we said our speeches, and threw roses at the coffin, it was time to burry the dead body.

At home, I cried all night. It was weeks I cried, without eating food. France and the others came to comfort me. I felt a little happy. But the feeling of sadness won't leave me. One night, I cried again.

I love you too, my hero... I thought. If only I had said I love you, one last time, in front of him...


I almost cried while making this. The thought in my head, that America died in front of England makes me sad...

I hope you enjoyed this oneshot... I will see you in the next one...

Bye.. ^^

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