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I actually don't have a picture for this, and I am too lazy to go all around google, just to find one, aaanndd, yeah. I'm very sorry.

Oh, and if you didn't really check the description, well... Why?! The credits are there! But maybe I have to say this one thing. I don't own Hetalia. Hidekaz Himaruya does. I only own this story, and other stories, in this book.

And also, this oneshot was heavily inspired by Hannah_that1fangirl book, UsUk Oneshots! Please check that out!

Also, warning! Cliche ahead. And cringiness... •v•

I will also make Arthur be friends with Lovino. It looks like they can be good friends, sooo... yeah •w•

Ah, I really got nothing to say, so... Yeah... •-•

Uh, without further ado, you may now start reading, and... Enjoy? (I hope...)


There was a boy who lived in London, England. Apparently, his parents, along with Arthur, moved to America.

Everything was going well. Until... Death striked Arthur's mother. Arthur had tried being happy all the time, but his father wasn't helping at all.

His father was depressed. He kept on drinking. He ignores Arthur. But he also abuses him.

Arthur lost his happiness from now on. He became suicidal...

Until one day, Arthur decided to run away from his father. Away from his home.

He got lost in the woods. All alone. He then saw a small cottage from the woods. He knew it was one of those cliches, but he really needed shelter.

When he got in, it was actually pretty nice. Even though it was a little dirty. It was his only choice.

Arthur then decided to sleep, but then, he heard someone opening the door. So Arthur tried to find a hiding spot, but eventually failed.

As he saw who it was, it was a little boy. With ocean blue eyes, and a blonde hair, with a single strand sticking up. The boy then gasped.

"W-who... Who are you?! How did you find me?! And why are you here?!" He asked angrily. He was in a 'ready to fight' position.

"I-I'm sorry... I just needed shelter... I didn't really know this cottage was yours... And I only found it standing in the woods... I should probably go now..." Arthur replied. Sadness in his tone. And looked at his feet, and began walking away.

"W-wait..." Alfred grabbed his wrist. Making Arthur to stop, and looked at the boy. "You said you needed shelter, right? I mean, I don't really mind if we would share..." Alfred let go of his grip on Arthur's wrist. Instead, pulling it away, and rubbed the back of his neck, flustered.

Arthur was grateful, and happy. He was finally happy again. Arthur then jumped on Alfred, which almost made them fall down, and hugged Alfred.

"Oh thank you! Thank you so much!" Arthur exclaimed out of joy. He then pulled away from Alfred, who was now quite red.

"U-uh, y-yeah... You're welcome..." Alfred said with a stutter. Still smiling and blushing. Everything went silence after that. It became... Too awkward... Then, Alfred broke the silence. "Uh, by the way, m-my name is Alfred." Alfred introduced his name. Pulling out his hand for a handshake.

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