Chapter Three: Archangel Samael: Marriage Counselor

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Boobs and genitals. It became increasingly hard to look them both in the eyes. So I pleaded with God to at the bare minimum give them a cape.

God chuckled at my embarrassment, "My, what impure thoughts you have, dear Samael. I suppose I should explain this strange trial run I'm doing."

God gave me a flash of the earth and the future names that man shall give him. Then there was that giant apple tree in the middle of the Garden of Eden. "I can't say I completely understand my creation of man. Right now they're as innocent as a new born babe. They have no shame, for right now there is no shame to be had. I am testing out how I should invent these humans, like trial and error."

I grimaced at the thought of treating these humans with very real emotions like guinea pigs.

God said to me, "Speak freely my angel, your truths cannot offend me." 

I spoke slowly, choosing my words wisely, "I don't think it's nice to treat these creatures like guinea pigs. Shouldn't these delicate creatures be treated more...softly?"

God chuckled, "My, my, have you grown sentimental, Samael?"

I blinked, "Sentimental?"

I felt warmth spread through me as God said, "Ah there is much for you to learn my son. Much to learn."


I sat across from Lilith and Adam with the fruit that the two have gathered for lunch. Today I was going to try to find some common ground between Lilith and Adam.

I coughed, "So I'm going to ask you two questions to see what you two have in common."

They nodded their heads.

"Ok, what's your favorite food?"

Lilith answered, "Peaches."

Adam said, "Fish."

Oh god this is going to be hard.

"Favorite time of day?"

Lilith answered "Night."

Adam said, "Morning."

"Favorite activity?"

Lilith said, "Exploring the garden."

Adam said, "Sleeping underneath the Tree of Knowledge."

I groaned, "Is there anything you both like or what?"

Lilith and Adam looked at each other for a long moment, then answered, "Snakes."

My eyebrow twitched, "Seriously?"

Lilith nodded, "Snakes are so pretty with their scales."

Adam added, "Also they feel super cool and smooth against your skin."

Lilith smiled, "And some of them have a cute little mouth."

I rolled my eyes, "Well it's something. Let's take a break. I need to think."

I walked away toward the lake within this garden. The afternoon sun glimmered off of its surface. How am I going to get this mismatched pairing together?

"Um Sam."

I turned to see Lilith, gloriously beautiful with her dark brown hair under the sun. Her voluptuous body lay bare as shadows danced across her pale skin.

I gulped, "Yes Lilith?"

She looked me in the eye, "What does our favorites have anything to do with falling in love?"

I blinked, "Well, I mean isn't having some commonality a good place to start?"

She frowned as she circled around me, "I suppose but what about finding someone who fits your form just right? Someone who understands your jokes? Someone who at the end of the day feels like home?"

I was shocked, I didn't know how to answer her. "I suppose I haven't thought about that."

She smiled at me with humor in her eyes, "Well what about you? What's your favorite food?"

I met her playful gaze, "Didn't you just say something about our favorites not being enough?"

She answered cheekily, "I did, but I want to know more about you."

What harm could there be? It's just information.

"My favorite food are cherries."

Her violet eyes were shining like the light off the lake's surface. "See, was that so hard? Favorite time of day?"

"Night." I answered.

She walked around me, "Favorite activity?"

"Flying." And seeing you. I almost said.

She looked up wistfully at the sky, "What is it like? Flying that is."

I offered her my hand, "Do you want to know?"

Her smile widened and her eyes crinkled as she took my hand softly in hers and my normally still heart was nearly beating out of my chest.

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