The Art of Falling

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Lilith was sprinting away from us, deeper into the underbrush. I messed everything up for her. I should have never come here. I don't know what God was thinking sending me here. Adam began to lag behind us; I used all of my angelic powers to speed ahead.

Lilith was sitting by the edge of a water fall. I could hear weeping.

"Lilith..." she flinched at hearing her own name, "we need to go back, it's dangerous out here at night."

"Tell me...why do I have free will if someone else is still going to tell me how to live? What's the point of free will if I can't express my love for whoever I want?! Tell me Sam!! Why?!!" Her voice was so guttural and wild. It startled me, but I also felt the same way. Why bother giving us the ability to love if we get punished for it?

As I approached her, I heard the sound of rumbling and the earth began to shake. Then I saw it...a strong gust of wind began to push an old tree over Lilith. Out of instinct I used all the speed I had left and dived in front of tree. The impact pushed into her, knocking us over the waterfall. I held her tightly against me as we free fell into the dark embankment.


Slowly I opened my eyes; within moments I felt excruciating pain in my left wing. I looked over to see that my wing was pinned under a boulder that fell down with us. Us...where's Lilith?!

I looked around and saw Lilith...crushing some herbs with a rock. How did she learn to do that?

"Lilith..." I groaned in pain.

She turned to me, "Oh thank God you're alive. I was scared you would never wake up."

"Why're you still here?" I asked.

She looked confused, "Because you'll die?"

I laughed, "Oh Lilith, angels can't die."

Her face flushed a bright red by the fire she built. "Well I didn't know and besides...I don't want you to be in pain all alone."

I looked around, "So do you know where we are?"

She shook her head, "I can't tell since it's pitch black. We may have to wait till morning to get our bearings."

She walked over tentatively with a strange green paste. "What's that?" I asked.

"I don't know...this small rodent came to me and gave me these herbs and told me how to make it. He said it should speed up recovery."

"Lilith...this is important...what was the rodent's name?" I asked.


Oh fuck.

"Lilith...Amaimon is a demon." I said slowly as my mind began to race. Is he still in the area? Are those plants poisonous? Is Lilith poisoned? What does he want? How am I going to fight?

I heard a carefree voice call out, "It's been a while, Samael."

"Lilith run!!" I yelled.

Lilith froze in fear as Amaimon, son of Satan, walked out of the shadows towards her.

He approaches her and knelt down beside her, "I see you made the paste as I instructed." He looked back at me with blank regard. "It's not poisonous angel, it's just sage."

"Why're you helping me?" I asked.

He paused for moment before saying, "Well let's say an old friend of yours is looking out for you."

"Satan? Why?" I asked again.

He shrugged as he walked over to the boulder, "I don't know. He was very stingy about details. He just said that you serve a bigger purpose than being pinned by a rock and having dear Lilith here be killed as well."

"Do you mean th-" I started.

"The very same. That was no accident. Someone tried to kill you and Lilith. They saw an opportunity and took it. They're probably lying in wait somewhere, maybe hoping that I'll finish you both off for them. Too bad I don't do deals for angels." With one shove, he pushed the boulder off of my mangled wing.

"Lilith, clean his wound. I'll find some branches to fix his wing." He walked off.

Lilith began to apply the paste and silently cleaned my wound. Not finding my own voice, I sat there and wondered who would do this to us and why?

Fall of Lilith and Samael (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now