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"Gabriel I want you to go with Michael." I stated to both Gabriel and Michael.

Gabriel looked at me questionably, "Why can't Michael go alone? Is there something I should know?"

I stared at Michael, daring him to speak the truth or deny it. He stared back for a moment before he turned away.

"I may have made the humans uncomfortable..." he said.

"By threatening to force Adam to rape Lilith." I glowered at him.

Gabriel looking shocked, asked Michael, "Is this true? Did you threaten the humans?"

Michael huffed indignantly, "I don't see why you're being dramatic about it. They're husband and wife, they should already be procreating. Instead they want to sit and whine about how they don't want to do it."

Before I could say anything, Gabriel glared at Michael threateningly, "The point of humanity is free will. If they don't want each other, that is fine and normal. God can create another human from soil. I never want to hear you talk about one of his creations like they are nothing more than cattle. You may be the leader of the archangels and the most powerful, but I will not sit here and allow you to treat anyone like that."

Michael stood up, "Have it your way. Gabriel will come with me while you sit here and think about whose side you're really on."

Michael left the mess hall, slamming the door behind him.

Gabriel looked at me sadly, "He still has that ugly temper and strict view of the world."

I looked over at him, "Thank you for going with him."

Gabriel patted my shoulder, "It isn't a problem. Besides even I don't feel comfortable leaving him alone with the humans. Are you still going to see them?"

I sighed, "I will later this evening. And can I ask another favor of you?"

Gabriel smiled at me, "Of course, you're my fellow brother."

"Can you lie to the humans? Just tell them I'm on patrol or something...I just don't want them to worry about me."

Gabriel frowned, "I won't lie for you. But I can make it so you actually are on patrol. I don't agree with Michael wanting you to stay here and mope about what's happening. I'll speak to Rafael and get you on patrol with him."

"Thank you Gabriel. I don't know what the angels would do without you."

He laughed, "Don't let Michael hear you say that. I still need my wiggle room from his rules."


The patrol was silent for the most part. Rafael was a man of few words. He only spoke when he felt it was important. It gave him this air of stoicalness.

"We'll land on this tree to do a survey of the local area." He stated.

I nodded and followed him to the tree. I stood next to him as I stretched out my muscles.

Rafael stared at me for a long moment before he asked, "So are you in love with Lilith?"

I nearly lost my balance before I could answer, "No...of course not. Angels cannot feel romantic love."

His gaze didn't falter, "Angels can feel love. Isn't romantic love just another form of the love we feel in God's presence?" 

I said, "But it's a sin to want to be with a human."

Rafael considered me carefully before saying, "Between you and me, loving someone, truly loving someone could never be a sin."

I wanted to ask then why are we punished for it? But I bit my tongue, not wanting to know the answer.

Rafael jumped off the branch and flew in front of me, "Ready to go? I bet by now Michael and Gabriel have returned. You can go see the one you treasure, boy." 

Ignoring my irritation with being called a boy, I jumped off and flew alongside Rafael. But what he said...could my love not be sinful?

Fall of Lilith and Samael (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now