Chapter Four: Above the Clouds

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The wind whipped against my face as Sam carried me into the bright blue sky. The world was much larger than the small garden that Adam and I shared.

"There's so much." I wanted to cry for I wanted to see it all.

Sam smiled wistfully, "And it's all brand new."

I looked up into his green eyes, "But how are we the only humans?"

He looked away from me, "Well humans are complex."

"Complex how?" I asked.

He soured across the lake's surface, the mist kissed my face. And I heard him say softly, "Complex in that you're independent from God's will."

I must have looked confused because he added, "I do answer to his will as my own."

"That's unfair." I said.

He flew faster and then perched atop a tree, "Fairness does not matter when you obey the creed of someone else."

I sat on the wide tree limb, "So you really don't have a want in the world?"

He flushed and turned his head, "No I can't say that exactly."

I balanced myself on the tree limp and stood up slowly. When I reached him, I tugged on his cloak.

"What do you want?" I asked.

He turned toward me and said "That is a very dangerous question to ask."

I reached my hands and rested them on his cheeks, "Why live if you cannot want?"

He looked shocked, like he couldn't register what I stated. Instead I brought my hands down to take ahold of his; I brought his hands to my lips and kissed them.

His face turned red as he choked out, "W-what was that f-for?"

I smiled at him, "Think of it as a token of my love."

He looked dumbfounded, "Love?"

"Yes love, isn't that what you use when you care about someone?" I peered into his bright green eyes.

He stammered, "Well, I-I mean yes but there are different kinds of l-love. What I mean is..." he breathed in and steadied himself, "What I mean is that love is a word you shouldn't throw around. It might give people the wrong idea of your intentions."

I was confused, "What do you mean?"

"Well that you can love your family and friends in a different way than you would love someone who you want to lay with and create your own family with. It's a different love that goes deeper but it takes a special person to proclaim that kind of love to someone. Or at least that's how God explained mortal love to me."

I felt my face heat up, "I guess I understand. I'm sorry if I embarrassed you."

He was taken aback, "No, no, these are all very new emotions and creations. I don't blame you for not understanding love."

All I could do was shake my head. It was like I lost my voice to the overwhelming embarrassment. I can't even meet his eyes. Suddenly I felt him grab my hand softly.

"It's going to get dark soon, want a ride back?"

I finally turned to meet his gaze. The evening sunset made him appear more ethereal than he already was. The red and gold dimmed light pronounced his angelic features. In a way he was...


His eyes went wide and his face turned flushed, "What?"

I covered my face with my hands, "I'm so sorry. It's just all you angels look so beautiful and perfect. I-I couldn't help myself." My words came out muffled because my hands were covering up my flushed face.

He laughed a little and gently took my hand, "It's fine. You just caught me off guard."

I looked away, "Are you sure?"

His other hand cupped my face and turned my head to face him, "Yes I am sure. You are completely fine and I don't like you any less. But let's go back to Adam, I bet he's worried."

I nodded pathetically as he scooped me up and took us to the sky.

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