Platonic and Romantic

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Adam looked to me mischievously, "Are you sure I didn't interrupt anything between you and Sam?"

Thankfully the darkness of night hid my blush as I answered, "No you did not. What would an archangel want with a human?"

We reached a hilltop and stopped. Adam sat down and patted the spot next to him. I sat down next to my companion as we gazed at the glittering beauty of the stars.

Adam lay down on the soft bed of grass and spoke, "Lilith I want you to be happy. If your happiness lies with Sam then I will support you."

I bit my nail subconsciously, "Even if it meant defying God?"

He grabbed my arm and pulled me down near him, "Lilith we are the only humans on earth and you are the only friend I have. I have no desire to lay with you, especially if it means taking your happiness away. I don't know what will happen but as the only humans on earth we must stand by one another."

I felt a new sensation come over me. Something wet began to drip out of my eyes and down my cheeks. I was confused by this new bodily function. What did this mean?

"Adam...what is this?" I touched his fingers to my wet cheeks.

"Lilith, what's wrong?" Adam turned my face toward the moonlight to get a better look at me.

"I don't's like my heart is bursting with joy and love. Maybe gratitude?" I stumbled on my words clumsily.

Adam looked astonished, "Maybe this is a brand new emotion?"

I blinked more tears out of my eyes, "But isn't crying for pain and hurt?"

Adam smiled and patted the top of my head, "Maybe crying can be for happiness too. All that happiness inside of you has to pour out somehow."

"You think so?" I asked.

Adam looked back at the moon, "I don't know but maybe Sam knows more about this. We could ask him tomorrow. For now let's rest."

Adam turned over, his back facing me. I looked at the glittering sky. The sky...I flew in that sky today. I placed my hand over my beating heart. Why does thinking about Sam lead to my heart bumping like a mess? Since we are looking at the same sky, I wonder if he's thinking of me as well. I hope so.


The sun and bird singing woke me up that morning. I looked over to see Adam was still fast asleep. Getting up I decided to go pick some peaches and pears for our breakfast.

I ran toward the fruit orchard past the Tree of Knowledge. We were allowed to eat any of the fruit from the tree, except for the Tree of Knowledge. I haven't been told what would happen, but like many things God said we were not allowed to do it.

As I began climbing the peach tree to get the higher fruit, I heard a voice call to me, "Lilith? Where is your husband?"

I looked down to see Michael and another angel I don't recognize. I haven't seen him since he threatened me and Adam.

He must've noticed my worried expression, for he said to me, "I am not here to make you mate with your husband. I need to discuss certain matters with you and your husband."

I called back to him, "Who's the other guy?"

"Gabriel, he was ordered to come with me since our last meeting wasn't satisfactory..."

I looked to this Gabriel and he called out to me, "I won't let this brute hurt you. Samael is on patrol until sunset. Michael just wants to teach you and Adam more about this world. Don't worry, it's not about your marriage."

Gabriel sounded more reasonable than Michael so I climbed down. "Well if you wouldn't mind, could one of you fly up and gather breakfast?" I focused my gaze on Michael.

Michael rolled his eyes, "Is this for what I said last time?"

I looked into his steely blue eyes and said "Yes. You threatened both mine and Adam's safety. I would rather you gather our breakfast while Gabriel here takes me back to Adam."

Michael sighed, "Fine. We'll do it your way."


Michael came back with fruit and placed them in front of me and Adam. He sat down across from us as we ate and said, "I'm going to make this quick so we do not waste any time...I am going to explain to you what the angel rebellion was."

Michael steadied himself as he spoke, "Long ago before you or the Garden of Eden ever existed, there were just angels. One of the angels stood out amongst the rest, his name was Lucifer. He was the brightest and God's most favorite being he ever created...that is until he started conceiving new creatures. God wanted to test the limit of his powers and Lucifer felt as though he were in competition for God's love. So he gathered other angels to fight against God and his loyal archangels. The archangels you know now, are what's left of the original archangels."

My voice was low as I asked, "What happened to the ones who rebelled?"

He fixed his fierce gaze on me, "They turned into a new race called demons and now they follow Satan, who was once Lucifer. It is proof that angels can in fact sin. They can fall and be punished."

He stood up, "I must leave, I hope this information will better inform how you interact with angels."

I stared down at my fists...this was a threat...a threat of what could happen to Sam if I continue to get closer to him.

Fall of Lilith and Samael (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now