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*A/N: this is a lemon/smut chapter. If that's not your thing, skip this chapter.*

We followed Amaimon through the woods, a will-o-the-wisp lighting the way for us. I held on tightly to Sam's hand. So this is what a demon looks like?

I stared at demon guiding us, he looked strange. His hair was green with a strange cowlick at the top. He had this long green tail...it kind of looked like a gerbil's tale. His tail swayed under his toga. Suddenly Amaimon stopped in front of the mouth of a cave.

"We'll stay here for now. I guarantee you that whoever is hunting you down is still out there looking for you two."

Amaimon led us into the cave and turned to us, "Stay here, I'm going to go get some firewood."

"Wait..." Sam called to the demon. "Why're you still helping us? Why go this far for a human and an angel?"

He turned slowly, "I already told you, my dad ordered me to and so I did."

"Why?" He asked impatiently.

"Look I don't know. Satan told me nothing about the reason why. Now if you're done struggling to stand up, I'm going to go get firewood." He walked out of the cave, leaving us alone.

"Sam...we need to talk." I said softly.

He turned to me, and had this look of absolute desire in his eyes. "Yes, I believe we do."

I took a breath in and steadied myself, "I think I'm in love with you. When you were injured, I was scared I would never be able to voice my feelings to you. Now..." I placed my hand on top of his, "Punishments be damned. If we're going to get killed, I want to live how I want until the end. I am mortal and the only way to live as a mortal is to live in each moment. I want my last moments to be with you."

He lifted his hand and cupped my face. He leaned in slowly and kissed me passionately. The warmth of it was exciting and nothing like the cheek kisses me and Adam exchanged as a gesture of familiarity. As soon as I started to burn up with every kiss we shared, he pulled away.

"Why did you beat me to it?" He smirked as he brushed aside my black hair. "I always wanted to tell you how beautiful you are. Everything about you is lovely, wild and free. I love you. I love everything from your defiance to your mortality."

He gently pressed his forehead against mine, it was such a soft gesture. I gently lay my hands on his cheeks, "I want you. I want to lay with you and no one else."

He lifted my chin and began to kiss me with hunger. My hands went to his toga, seeking the clasp that held it together. After I unclasped his toga, it fell to the floor like a dead leaf. His body was a work of art. There was no other way to describe him. When God crafted his immortal perfection, he didn't cut corners. He grabbed my hand and placed it over his heart.

"Be with me." I said with a new determination.

He breathed a ragged breath as he pulled my body closer to his. He kissed and sucked on my neck. I gasped at these new sensations. My body...no, my heart felt aflame. I gently tugged on his hair as I brought him on top of me. He groaned against my neck, as he slowly kissed his way down to my breasts. I was moaning, but not in pain; no, this was pleasure. I wanted more.

He gently bit on my nipple, then he looked into my eyes. It was so intense, that green gaze.

"You're sure you want this? Even with the consequences?" He asked softly as his hand pinched my nipple.

I moaned, rasping out, "Yes. Someone's trying to kill us, I'm done with regrets."

He smiled and kiss me deeply as he grabbed my butt and pulled me closer to his lower half. He brought his dick to the opening of my vagina and slowly entered; giving me time to back out. It hurt, but I wanted to be with him in this way. My arms wrapped around his back as I pulled him deeper inside of me. I looked into his eyes and nodded. He began to move his hips into mine. As the pain subsided I felt undeniable pleasure.

He grabbed my ass and began to thrust into me faster. I moaned, "S-sam..."

He grunted as he continued to thrust into me. I felt a knot form in my stomach, then suddenly I exploded. Well at least that what it felt like. That was followed by something sticky and warm entering my vagina. As Sam pulled out, this white goopy substance spilled out of my vagina.

We sat there staring at each other panting wildly. Before we could speak a word, we heard, "Well I'm glad to see you're feeling better."

I couldn't speak but Sam threw a rock at Amaimon. Amaimon cursed at Sam and threw the fire wood inside the cave and left; declaring he will be back tomorrow.

After the bickering subsided, Sam held me against him; wrapping his good wing around us. "I won't let you die. We're leaving Eden as soon as my bad wing is manageable."

I smiled and lay my head against his chest, "Thank you. I love you."

"I love you too." He whispered as I fell into a deep sleep.

Fall of Lilith and Samael (Editing) Where stories live. Discover now